Aw, kinda cute. But maybe that's because Odie has alopecia so he has black skin on his back and his bum and about half the hair he should have all over
Yeah it really upset me for awhile when I first found out (over a year ago now). But not anymore, as he's completely happy and doesn't care I do get a lot of comments when I'm out with him though. 'Oh poor old fella' when I tell them he's 3, they are all completely shocked
You two! @SwampDonkey and I are just going to take our naked dog appreciation where it will appreciated. Humpf!!
I respect your right not to be converted. Duly noted - for any future Stanley sibling discussions, no naked dogs.
I was actually thinking about having one of the hairy ones they are really engaging characters. There's a lot if fans out there me included and I didn't think I would like them but I did.
I quite like the hairless cats. I know someone who has several, including one called Megabyte. That is a perfect, geeky name for that sort of cat
That naked puppy is super cute! And just think, Jen - you'd have a valid excuse for dressing it in cute little coats in winter Rachael suggested a Whippet, but you could also go for an ex racing Greyhound (do you have Greyhounds As Pets in the UK?). Yeah, they're very tall, but they're lovely dogs. I admit that I have no idea if they're able to be let off lead, though. Aren't you swimming in Staffies over there? I've met a couple of absolute sweethearts over the past couple of weeks, but I know that there are plenty out there with "issues".
My aunt re-homes ex racing greyhounds. They're perfect for her, as they need very little walking. She lets them off lead. The big issue, though, is how prey driven they are. Over the years, hers have killed rabbits and cats
Yeah that's the tricky bit, you'd ideally want one who's as meek as a newborn kitten. As a kid my friend's JR systematically killed her way through her pet rabbits and guineas, which cemented my dislike of JRs. Buuuut I did meet a lovely ex racer Greyhound at the pet shop late last year who lived in harmony with a house rabbit (the rabbit ruled the roost and had claimed possession of the dog's bed). Some dogs just go against type!
That has to be the ugliest puppy alive, poor thing. I hope his mother loves him. It looks like someone crossed a dachshund with an aardvark.
A few people have mentioned whippets/greyhounds to me. I just don't find them very cute.. I know the temperament is more important but they're just so skinny I cant imagine them being much of a snuggler. My friend has one though and I only hear nice things about them so I might do a bit more digging! OH really wants a Staffie. That was his breed of choice (mine was a Golden Retriever) and then we settled on a Lab. I do like them but I know over here they have a bad reputation and I think people give you a bit of a wide birth. Whereas everyone loves a lab! I'd be a bit worried about people's perception of them - especially as we rely heavily on day care/dog walkers. It's a shame really as they are a nice dog if properly socialised. My friend has one and she's an absolute gorgeous little thing, has no interest in other dogs at all. Just trots nicely past them with her stick and carries on with her walk, but I know a few people have been negative towards my friend.
My sister had a Staffy. A lovely, friendly, idiotic dog with a permanent smile. Loved everyone and everything. But, people were often very scared of him as he trotted up to say hi. Very sad, because he didn't have a bad bone in his body. He was far, far lower maintenance than her current cocker. I don't know if I could cope with other people's perceptions, though.