Are you going for both days or just one? I think first day is the nationals and the second day is the internationals.
I was planning for Saturday, just because that day is a bit better for me to drive up to Sevilla. But can go either day. Any recommendations? You are right that Saturday is nationals and Sunday is internationals. 19 Labs showing Saturday, 23 Sunday - so just in numbers not much different. Sorry, I think I've gotten a little off topic of "random dog thoughts".
No recommendations at all, I'm sure it will be fab both days. If you can get any video of the puppy classes, I'd be forever grateful!
Can do! Here's a random dog thought: last year's show and specifically the Lab ring was quite memorable as one of the dogs quite adorably had a massive poo while moving for the judges, and everyone just gracefully stepped around it and ignored it. I really appreciated the attitudes of people (and the judge for that matter) "Yeah, poo happens, no hace nada". A couple of my favourites from last year:
Played "sausage tree" this evening for the first time in ages. Willow then had to check every tree on the way home in case there were any sausages sprouting from them, too. We were in a forest. It took a while.
I took Ella to the vet yesterday as she's got vaginitis (she has a slightly recessed vulva - happens every now and then). She's always had a bit of nervous excitement when we're at the vet. I used to think it was just excitement but, as I've learned to read her body language better, I can see she's not fully comfortable. She looked a little too alert when we first sat down in the waiting room I find that if I do something simple like a series of hand touches or change of position or similar (with lots of rewards of course) she focuses her mind and starts to relax. She was a superstar with the vet and did her very best 'Labrador stare' to get as many treats as possible Here she is waiting for the vet to come back with the verdict
Ella looks at ease in the second picture, but I know what you mean about the first one. On a side note your vets furniture looks like a very upmarket place. All we get are the old fashioned wooden seats that are 4 in a row. Yours looks like fun if to many exciting dogs get together...
Had an upset at work one of my co workers didn't understand why her daughter wouldn't let her rub her new pups nose it its wee. She's a nice woman but im still shell shocked. Mostly i find it so hopefully that dog training has moved on from this kind if stuff, but thus just left me speechless.I did talk to her about it but I was left feeling she thought I was too emotionally attached to my dogs and soft about teaching them whats right
Has anyone noticed that when you're out walking your Labrador and they're up to no good (Stanley constantanly) and you see another Labrador owner you get THAT look. I'd describe it as somewhere between sympathy and relief that their dog isn't the only naughty one. Gives me the support I need to take a deep breath and carry on trying to tame the beast!
What? No, don't listen to Fiona, SHOW ME THE CHOOKIES! And the dogs, but definitely some poultry snaps too. There must be some crazy breeds in Spain, I'm so jelly, I love my chookens.
Went to a fair in my local town in Spain this summer. They had some amazing chickens, and some beautiful pheasants. But, yuk, birds.
When you take your adult dogs on their morning perambulation, leaving your husband to look after the puppy. When you come back and find your entire sofa and walls on both sides of the room are covered in coffee splatter. "Er, yeah, she went mental..."
You know the weather is bad when you open the boot to let the dog out for his walk and he sticks his head and promptly turns round to get back in the boot!
It's bad here the garden is flooding and I'm feeling terrible.I'm going to pull myself together and just go out for a walk anyway