I wonder constantly how you manage to fit your paying job into your doggy world Fiona. You are SUCH a good doggy mum and some.
Hehe, I am, honestly! I just get lots of little breaks while my code is compiling so I can fit bits and bobs in I go quiet when I have to do number crunching. Not only is it very tedious, it doesn't give me any forum time and that's just not on
Just a thought and maybe ask the vet to confirm. If Willow is acting very hungry, it might be worth splitting her meals and adding another meal of something quite soothing for her tummy, maybe a bit of tinned food or scrambled egg, or a couple of extra kongs later in the day. The fluoxetine could be making her tummy feel "odd" and translating this as hunger in her wee doggy brain
Thanks, Kate. Today, she's back to being a bit down. Wouldn't go out this morning and she's back in the kitchen. I may have to play around with the timing of the tablets to see when they have the best effect.
Is it quiet at night where you live, could you maybe coax her out for a tiny lead walk with Shadow for support? xx
She went out yesterday with him, which was lovely. In general, though, she seems better when it's just me and her without him! So much for brotherly love
Fluoxetine like the other SSRIs can cause nausea at the beginning so this might be translated as hunger? Shouldn't last any more than 7 to 10 days. Any antidepressant can cause a boost in energy and motivation early days without actually helping any anxiety or depression feature there is a kind of miss match in response. Can take a few weeks to even out. I do so hope this works x
Thanks, Jac. I don't expect the medication to do anything to solve her issues, I just hope it gives me a platform to do some DS and CC work. Maybe get her trusting my instincts rather than her own. The vet said it would probably take three weeks for the Prozac to start taking effect, which is why she's on the Clonazepam in the short term. I wonder if I'll notice the Fluoxetine "kicking in" and how her mood differs to just with the Clonazepam?
That is what I thought. The Clonazepam may also increase appetite, which is probably why Willow appeared so hungry. It should blunt her anxiety though. The fluoxetine will take a couple of weeks to see any effect.
I must admit I don't know much about clonazepam. If its used in humans it is normally for epilepsy (children mostly). Looks like common side-effects can be restlessness, confusion and hyper-salivation. No mention of increased appetite in "Medicines Complete" which is my reference though. How is poor Willow this evening Fiona?
STARVING!!!! It's strange that the hunger only seems to manifest in the evenings. She has one fluoxetine tablet in the morning and one clonazepam both morning and evening. But, she went out for a walk early evening and was largely OK. She suddenly stopped in a strange place towards the end and I'm not sure why, except there were some birds flying low, so maybe she was concerned about being buzzed. I'm not sure. She's now curled up between us on the sofa
It sounds as if she's less stressed, even if she's starving! When does the avalanche season end? Hope it's not too much longer!
We may not have any more, or we may have loads until the end of the season (mid April). Snow can continue afterwards, but we'll be heading to Spain as soon as the season ends. Then it's just the buzzing of the birds to contend with!