Hello from me and my bunch of reprobates; I currently have three Labradors, a flat coated retriever, foxhound and a working cocker spaniel amongst my menagerie. I work two of my retrievers, the rest are free loaders I'm afraid, and spend most of their time lounging around the house while I work hard to earn enough to keep them in the life style they are accustomed to. I have my own pet services warehouse, which promotes healthy pet products, I refuse to stock things like Bakers, Pedigree, cooked bones, rawhide and other products I don't believe are good for our pets. As well as this, I do one to one training, have a grooming salon, do pet portraits and commissions and turn my hand to pretty much anything when it comes to upcycling.
Welcome from Meg and I...sounds like you have a fun household...would love to see some pics. Which part of Gods Own Country are you from ??
Welcome to you from Mags, Tatze and Mollie from Manchester UK Tatze is my pet dog, a black Lab and she's three years old. Tatze means 'paw' in German. Mollie is my fourth Guide Dog puppy, a black Lab who is five months old. Nnn
Welcome Jo and all your furry friends from Hattie 9 years and our rescue Labrador cross Pointer Charlie 6 years. Enjoy the forum if you ever get the chance! x
Hello and welcome from me and Lilly! Sounds like you may not have a huge amount of spare time on your hands.....
Hello Joanne & your big doggy-family, from me & Coco, who has perfected "lounging around the house", though he's always ready for anything.
Hi and welcome from me and 3 year old red girl, Harley. Look forward to seeing some of your portraits and hearing about your dogs and the natural products you stock.
Thanks for the warm welcome, some familiar names and faces here! When I work out how to upload photos I'll oblige with some pics of the dogs and other stuff.