Oh my goodness, she's enormous! She didn't look that big in the training class photos you posted earlier. Still looking gorgeous, though, no matter her size.
Oh my gosh, he's got the same gorgeous yet serious face as Miss Mollie...just the yellow version. Some strong genes there! Will he be a GD or GD daddy dog, Mags?
All my pups so far - Gypsy, Twiglet, Kara and Bruce have been brilliant at settling in cafes etc. I gave them a Kong and, when they'd finished it after twenty minutes or so, they settled and snoozed. Not Mollie! She eats the Kong then it's "what's neeeeeeeext Mummy?". She doesn't bark but fusses and nudges me. She's my first full Lab (apart from Tatze who doesn't need to settle anywhere except home) and the 'ever hungry' side of her is showing! My supervisor suggested I take no Kong no chews and no treats for the cafe bit. Just stand on her lead so that she has to stay close and ignore her. With trepidation I tried it in a very quiet corner of a very quiet cafe. She stood and stared at me for five minutes, then sat and stared at me for five more - then this happened! Hurrah! (She wasn't asleep but she was quiet and sensible) ..
She is so gorgeous, I would have forgiven her if she had annoyed me for the entire visit (I know, that's not the point! )