I was going to do CBARQ for Cooper as well, but I'm not sure what the point is. What happens to the data, since Cooper is not in the Itchey Dog group.
It is a citizen science project, CBARQ. CBARQ was originally designed to help service dogs, to see if behaviour changed with altering (which it did seem to show a change for the negative in some areas) and to help decide how to pick, train, and see ahead of time where problems with service dogs might lie. Now that it's open to all of us and the people running it have no control over who answers (they picked their answer groups at first but still did not know exactly who answered) I'm not sure what they are doing with it. It is interesting to see how your dog compared to others of his breed though. The Duffy/Serpell study, used CBARQ data. Non-reproductive Effects of Spaying and Neutering on Behavior in Dogs Deborah L. Duffy, Ph.D., and James A. Serpell, Ph.D., Center for the Interaction of Animals and Society, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania http://saova.org/articles/Early SN and Behavior.pdf P.S. Cooper is a Lab? The want non-itchy dogs to respond too, in The Itchy Dog Project
Yes Cooper is a Lab. See my Avatar. I will do the questionnaire again, if she is old enough. She is almost 2 now. I will do the CBARQ for Coop in any event.