I do hope Axel is ok. I must admit I have a bit of an issue with the frequency and quantity of antibiotics in the veterinary world, particularly given the medical attitude of reducing antibiotic usage in an attempt to protect effectiveness and prevent the multiply-resistant "Superbugs". Metronidazole is active in particular against GI bugs, and is commonly used in human practice for gut infections such as acute diverticulitis (or should be, as opposed to broader spectrum antibiotics). Also there is an anti-inflammatory effect from antibiotics too. Not used in human medicine, normally, though oddly can be used in a couple of non-infective conditions that come to mind. Erythromycin can help with nausea and sluggish gut function too. (although for me, just makes me plain puke). So, I must say I am a bit wary about antibiotics being thrown at everything, but willing to have an open-ish mind. Just make sure you keep Axel off the brew whilst he is taking metronidazole
I'm sure there is a lot more experience on here than i can offer, however, just wanted to say my dog suffered diarrhea when we first got her. it seems no matter what i fed her it was loose. I tried a lot of foods. I finally found a food that seems to go well with her stomach and have kept her on it since. we do feed people food and treats and if she eats too much she will have the problem, but for the most part it has been better. I do think a part of this is simply due to her maturity, she is 17 months now. By the way, this is a dog that thinks she is part goat since she will eat practically anything including tree bark. Hope it is some help.
And there! Cassie did drink a glass of white wine when she was 9 weeks old --I'd fallen asleep when she did and woke up to the most delicate slurping sound I've ever heard
it's the second stage anti biotic that we use for Rory at his second worse colitis flare up. We use it with steriods when he has his worst. It works for him. It calms the colitis kills any nasty bacteria in his gut and he then recovers. Once I know it's working I feel better. I then as advised by my vet use a probiotic and prebiotic when hes finished the drugs to help his tum to recover. Rory has just finished a course himself. I then feed a bland white fish diet until his poo firm up adding his normal food in small amounts until he's back to normal.
Thanks everyone for you concerns! Yes I work in a doctors office as well and I'm wary of meds too. Even for myself, I refuse to take meds unless I'm absolutely needing any. But I felt it was probably for the best in the end for Axel as he was squirting literally brown water very often. I was too concerned with dehydration especially considering I had to go to work and I couldn't monitor him all day. Last night his poops were more of a thicker liquid again, but still very much diarrhea. I also noticed the whites of his eyes were very white compared to normal, the red lines weren't as noticeable. But maybe I'm over analyzing everything. He's definitely more playful and super excited for food again and chewing on his bone and stealing towels and bugging Odie lol. I just wish this bug would hurry up and go away. I want to walk him but I'm nervous it could be too much for his belly.
Lol! That's funny. Axel did that to my OH's beer one day when he was around 9 weeks as well. It was a beer bottle so his tongue could only go so far down but he was very intrigued
I'm so sorry to hear that Axel isn't better. I've been off the forum for a couple of days and had hoped that he'd be back to normal by now. I'm glad that he's perkier, but I hope dem poops firm up asap.
Still diarrhea, gah! But it's not nearly as frequent, it's just his usual time of going poo, right after breakfast and right after dinner. So that's good at least! He is sooo full of energy though. I'm trying to tire him out mentally as I don't want to walk him quite yet. So we have been playing hide and seek, lots of training bursts, and practicing loose leash walking inside the house. Poor thing is skin and bones again, just when he was finally almost back to his normal weight from the eating the cone incident. It's so hard to keep weight on Axel and he loses it so fast when ill.
Poor Axel (and you) -it is taking a while to clear up isn't it. Glad he's full of energy though, as it means at least he must be feeling better.
Yippee!!!! A mostly solid poop was had!!! In other news, Axel accidentally jumped on Odie and now Odie is limping. Can we just have a month off from any sickness or injury. I'm still waiting for Axel to throw up his blanket too.
I waited until I had breakfast to check in to see how Axel is..good news as it sounds like he is finally on the mend!