Moos hurt her face. I think she bumped herself. It looks like she's got a black eye and abraded the skin round here eye socket. Might be a vet job. Fingers crossed hopefully it's ok
She's fine she just shrugs it off. I just keep a close eye on her. She did it galloping into a fence i think. It just looks scabby today.
She can't see and she tries to get into next door she Still thinks she's a young pup frisking and charging about
Just coming off the beach this morning after 6 Ball Chucker fetches & 5 swimmy fetches, there was a giant rat plodding towards the sea defence boulders. It must have been 10 inches long, plus tail, about 4ft away from us. Please-don't-let-Coco-see-it. For once, I was happy he was busying himself collecting kelp stems - usually discouraged vehemently. I stepped up on to the concrete, there it was again - fat as you like, twitching it's whiskers at me. Coco still occupied with chewing the kelp. It must be a good spot for food there, but what? It's a clean beach. Seaweed?
Just ordered another harness for Vanilla, 3rd one as she does not like them. Hoping this one will will work. Ready for the holidays too make sure she can't pull in the new overexcited area
I gave Stanley his first ever raw drumstick tonight and it's the first thing I've ever seen him not eat He flung it around for a while, picked at it a bit then left it in the garden.
OK, that's just weird. What does refuses a raw chicken leg? Maybe he just prefers it with garden dirt seasoning?
Took Rolo on our usual woods walk last night, a big burly guy with his wife had 3 dogs, a lurcher, a staff possibly pitbull cross and a yorkie. I attached Rolo;s Lead as I do every time I see others as he isnt reliable yet and I dont like him bounding up to people. The 3 dogs came HURTLING up to me, sniffing, getting caught up in my lead, and one growled it was the yorkie instigating it, and the other 2 followed as it to protect him. I asked the guy to put his dogs on a lead untill we passed. NO he shouted. MY DOGS ARENT AGGRESSIVE. I said well I dont know that and theyre growling. he said NO ive just told you I know my dogs they arent being put on a lead.... frantically but trying to be quick tried to pass, with the 3 dogs following us at every step. They did not listen to the guy at all... I was a bit worried.
Luna is going to be a complete mud (and water) baby, I know it. It's that time of year where the springs are forming, creating puddles and little streams in places. She makes a bee-line for each and every one, splashing about happily in the mud. A couple of days ago, I took her to the river to see how she reacted. It's only paddling deep, but quite fast flowing. W&S were very hesitant about it when they first saw it, a couple of months older than Luna is now. She just barrelled straight in to the deepest part without a second thought. She has no fear, this one