Just caught my pup eating a head-less mouse this morning that the cat had kindly left her!! Gonna be a fun summer!! Glad your lab has come to no harm- no need to stress then! X
Yes...don't worry...just keep on top of worming. Meg is 3....and (touch wood) never been ill at all ...maybe it's good for her
I may not want the answer to this...but since I've seen it so many times here...how can you tell human poo vs other animal poo? I do see a lot of poo in various forms, maybe I have seen human and don't know it?!
Oh you know it's a texture size and smell thing. Also they hide them in Bushes and you sometimes see pants and paper. Dogs/wildlife don't eat curry and beer so much
If your dog eats it, you know about it. Herbivore poo gets eaten and is gone. Human poo stinks and it lingers. The worst was when I scooped it out of Willow's mouth - she was a puppy and I had no idea what she was eating but knew it couldn't be good. The second worst has happened a few times, when she's come back after chowing down and that wonderful Labrador mouth, with its capability of holding food in the roof, has been full to capacity. The tongue is brown and when she smiles her soppy smile, looking up at you.... there it is. Eeeeeewwwwww.....
I just think about nice things fluffy bunnies etc and move on it happens. The problem round here is the drug problem and what your dog might consumming besides just poop.
Yes, probably sounds worse than it is! Well the cat eats plenty of mice and rabbits and he's still here 12yr on!! X
The thing that strikes me is how people will do it so close to civilisation, and so close to walking trails. Willow isn't wandering off into the woods to find it, it'll be just behind a rock or a small bush next to the path. I would have to have her walking at heel for the entire duration every time I go hiking to stop it happening. It doesn't tend to happen on regular walks, because we interact for the whole time we're out, but if we're hiking for a few hours, I relax and let her bimble more. I can call her away from it now, which is a bonus, but I've ended up being fairly ambivalent about it - I just avoid being anywhere near her mouth afterwards. It only happened once last summer, so maybe she's growing out of it - or maybe people do it less in Spain than in Andorra.
I still find it incredible that there is so much of it lying around for it to be a problem for dogs. Just doesn't compute in my world. I can honestly say I have never come across human poo in the "wild". Thankfully!!!
This thread makes me want to spew but I just can't look away... Snowbunny is winning in the gross-out stakes, IMO, but there are some close challengers.
I'm so thankful that Axel is absolutely disgusted by poop. Every time he goes in for a sniff he lifts one front paw and turns his head in disgust as if to say 'oh how awful' and walks away. Thank god!
Stanley only eats herbivore poop. Massive cow/sheep/horse fan. Never bothers with dog/cat and I think (hope) I've never encountered human. I've also never encountered fox poop with him.. long may it continue