I chased a cat ha ha ha I am an evil old girl. It was in the long grass so ging didn't see it i ran after it but it hurt my leg so I stopped. That cat was lucky. Moo I still have a heart of darkness. He he he. To be honest it nearly killed me and I had to have a nap after
I saw a cat this morning too. We came home from our walk in the car and it was on the wall so I barked and barked. Mum said "Silence Coco" - what does that even mean? She got out a jumped up and down, waving at the cat. I'm not allowed to do that sort of thing. By the time I was released from the car the darn cat had vanished. I am not happy about this. I wanted to chase the stupid thing. - Coco
I was with dad today visiting my cousin Bramble and Bramble has CHIKKENS and I saw a chikken and I chased it and it flew up and over a fence made of CHIKKENWYRE but I didn't see the chikkenwyre and so I didn't stop and the fence all got broke and the big wooden bits holding the fence up got broke and fell over and dad said I was a great big lummox and Bramblesdad said Are you Ok Pongo but I hadn't even noticed the fence. Dad had to help Bramblesdad mend the fence. Bramble doesn't chase chikkens, he says it's naughty, but this chikken ASKED me to chase it honest. Pongo
Mum and dad took me to a Rikstine pub for tea. It was very posh. The waiter man brought me a homemade treat. Mum and dads food smelled wonderful and I kept sitting up to beg a bit, and they kept telling me to lie down. There were lots of other dogs there. When we left a very rude dog snapped at me and swore. I don't like swearing.
My cat loved it when I used to kiss him. I used to kiss him all over then he used to chase me I loved him. They grey one wouldn't let me kiss her and the tiger one would let You do anything to her I miss the cats. I also met Ted he barked at me and Rory hes tiny licked i his head he was fine after a few minutes. I have also bought shame on the family again. He he ging let's Me off the lead when it safe. That horrid dog that bit me twice came passed on the path oh I hate that dog . When He came by he attacked Rico puppy through the fence scared him then jumped at my Rory. I really am sick of him. Anyway i chased him up the road i couldn't see him too well but i could smell him. Lucky for him ging caught up with me . She was a bit red it was hot though . She apologised to the gits owner and i had to go on my lead that's so unfair.
You definitely don't want to see the bumman, Pongo. It was not my finest hour. I may not have had as many hours as some, but this particular one was not at the top of my list. No, it was right down the bottom. Hehehe. See what I did there? Luna
Luna when Doug went the to see the bumman the stick the bumman shoves up there got sucked inside. I saw it it took ages to come out. I liked your joke you are a susfistcated young woman Rory
Pongo, you did the right thing! Birds, ducks and chickens are sososo fun to chase! I did it once and discovered it was the best ever, and now I do it all the time if I can. What's naughty anyway? I've hit my head a couple times on cars and polls while watching birds, but it's worth it. I wouldn't worry about the chickenwyre, whatever that is, it wasn't your fault since you were just doing your job! Quinn
Not happy this morning. Went for my walk, just shorter. I did not get a single treat. I did not pull once and walked by daddys side the whole time. Nothing absolutely nothing. Got home anf I thought I would at least get my breakfast. But no just a drink. That is when it clicked, I was off to the bumlady. Daddy has just left me there. Apperantly I am having an ooporachion, not sure what that means. All I know I don't like being there, as I have been to many times. I am going to tell daddy off when he comes back. Not happy...and I am absolutely staarrviiing. Maybe the bumlady will give me something if I look at her really nicely. .....if not I will just go to sleep and strike...
My mom has brought cat home. Cat has been here a few days. I do not like cat. She smells weird so I bark and growl and put my hackles up so she knows that this is my house. I'm not going to budge. I will not ever like cat. Nope. Not ever going to happen. Mom calls cat Chloe. Pffft. Axel
You have to show Nell how to do it, then that way you can pass the party trick over to her.... Vanilla (who is bored at the bumlady)
I am back home finally and am all sleepy. Daddy is looking after me and because I am cold I am wrapped up in blankets. Dont like what has happened. I have these funny things on my tummy and it is very very sore... I am going to sleeep and hopefully feel better tomorrow.
Be brave tomorrow will be a better day. Love and hugs from Rory and Moo. Keep on snuggling that teddy xx
What a great day. I had a play with dad after breakfast, then mum and dad took me to the beech. I ran around lots in the sand ind splashed through puddles. Then discovered rockpools. They are great. They smell like sea but are like ponds with lots of things in them. After the beech we went for a walk and it took us to another beech with more rock pools. Mum and dad stopped for lunch and I helped them finish their pasties. Then we had a ice cream and walked back to the beech. After five hours walking I was pretty tired. They took me to the camel stewary and we had another walk. We've just had a creemtee with sandwiches and cakes, and I feel ready for my tea and a snooze.
Oh Holly yoo are lucky ....I am still wayting togo to beech, they keep saying and saying, but I think I mite be goin in June, I've herd old girl on that thing they talkto, I think it's called fone. I spose it will cum with us, I don't know. I haven't heard talk of camel stewary tho so Imite be wrong. I shall look out for pastees.