I had EYESCREEM. I don't like EYESDROPS but EYESCREEM was very different. It's hot hot hot here today (Mum says it's 38 degrees, whatever that means) and she gave us the EYESCREEM because of that. It was cold and made my tongue feel funny, so I spat it out, but then I saw Willow and Shadow eating it, so I tried again and it was deeeeelishous! Mum says I can't have much because it's hooman EYESCREEM but she's going to make some speshully for us this weekend! Yummy!! Luna
We had a barbeeeeeeecue. Mummy says we had one last year, but I don't remember because I was only little. It was THE BEST! I got chicken and sausages and steak. I hope we do it again. Mummy says I'm a very spoilt puppy. But I think I just got exactly what I deserve, and I'm a man now doesn't she know! Stanley
Oh, me too Holly. It's nice in the house but as soon as I go out and start running it is HOT! And I need to come back in and sleep. I have slept for nearly all of today. Pongo
I had birthday cake today, my boyfriend's brother is 11 years old. He has a white little beard and looks handsome. Then the puppy came to play, I'm not sure of puppies they are silly he keeps biting my face and ears. Mummy says I'm so gentle but I'm always glad to get in the car.
You all need to get a pool. Get your hoomans to get one. They are the best when it is hot. I found a dead bird this morning. It was dark so daddy did not notice at first. I carried it at first, but just as I was about to eat daddy told me to 'leave it'. It is a good job he has dried sardines, as otherwise it would be in my stomach. I hope it still there when we walk there later.
Good idea! I must nag mum to get ours out. We had an early walk yesterday before it got too hot, but then I had a snoozy day too. Wispa
I had to go and see the bum man but it wasn't bum man john it was Bethan i love her, i really love her vet nurse said you 2 get a room . I got loads of cuddles. She had to try to examine me while I lay on the floor with her. Oh Bethan sigh Rory
Dad filled a bendy bucket with water this evening. We had FUN! Then we had a barbecue with sossij & cheese.
Mummy was a bit worried in the night, there was a lot of loud sky noises and bright sky lights flashing, very odd but I just huffed and went back to sleep . Nell couldn't hear it , she was eggsorsted because there were other hoomans on our garden last night , all eating and drinking stuff out of a box , me and Nell stayed up late to play with them and then, all this noise started in the sky , shattered Sam xx
Hope you kept your mum safe from all those sky noises and flashes, Sam. Our mum doesn't like them either, so we have to be extra brave and help her to be brave too. You must have had fun in the garden with hoomans and food - did you get any? I spent ages going in and out of the garden, cos I like sunbathing but then it's too hot so I go in, then I go out again, then I have a little drink, then I snooze... Must remember to nag mum about that paddling pool today... Wispa
I had a sosij last night. First time ever, they taste sooo goooddd. I had a bit more this morning on our walk. I was finally allowed of lead on the Oval. No one around only me and daddy....so much fun. Then had a good afternoon sleep...
The hoomans gave me a sosig too ! I thought they might have given me two so that I could take one to Nell , I would have done, honestly I would , Sam x
Ive got a pool....they are great fun......all dogs should have one I didn't like the loud bangs in the night, mummy came into the spare bedroom with me and we snuggled up until I stopped panting and shaking. Really tired still so off for a snooze...
no loud bangs here - but it was very hot last night. I couldn't decide whether sleeping on their bed was better, or sleeping on the floor. So I kept swapping all night - tee hee. - Coco
I am soooooooooo tired this morning. There was so much to watch last night - bright lights, and then big noises and lots of RAINRAINRAIN crashing down for ages and then more bright lights. I couldn't sleep through all that. I wasn't scared, you understand. Not me. I'm a big strong doggy and nobody and nuffin scares me. But I did go and curl up right at the bottom of the stairs where I was as closeaspossible to mum and dad, just in case they were frightened. But so tired today. I'll just nagnagnag to get them out on my walk, then come straight back here for a snooze. It is not so hot today so that will be nice. Pongo xxx
No bangs here either, mummy says there should be some today. I'm not scared though, daddy says I'm a big hard lad! If you ever need protecting Harley, I'll come and protect you I hope Pongo doesn't beat me up.. Stanley
I'd never do that, Stanley! It would be good to be with you and we can both protect Harley! She is lovelylovelylovelylovelylovely and I don't mind if she has other friends because she is still lovelylovelylovelylovelylovely and she taught me to play ball and we play chase and sniff together and I showed her my stinkypond. And she is beautiful. Everybody should protect Harley she is speshull.