We went on a really fun walk today and I was free free free with no lead thingy the whole walk! My human mum said we were norty because we were in an on-lead(??) place but I'm such a grown up sensible girl now that they trust me. The weird thing was that they kept getting lost! Even the mini hooman. I'd turn around and they were gone so I had to keep going back to find them. I thought it was a little strange that they couldn't just follow my scent down the path but I didn't mind because they kept giving me yummy chicken when I found them
I was a goodboy today. On my walk we met Harveyblackdog who is my friend but not my good friend. He is OK but not my pack (not like Harley and Benson and Casper and Holly and Bramble and Cassie and Ted and Harv and mum and dad are my pack.) Anyway Harveyblackdog is usually very goodiegoodie and he does sits and stays and heels for his mum and makes me look norty. But today he was norty and he kept jumping on me and nibbling me and I was Very Patient and just stood still and didn't get annoyed and his mum said comehereharvey and he didn't and then my mum said comeherepongo and I did I did I did but Harvey was still norty and I was good and then Harveysmum said "OK you have to go on lead then" and she tied him to her with a LEAD! And I didn't have a lead and I was Very Good and I showed how good I was by trotting along Really Nicely next to mum and dad and Harvey was on a LEAD and I wasn't and when Harvey and his mum went away my mum said I was a Very Good Boy and my dad said I was a Very Good Boy and I got a biscuit. <smug> Pongo xxx
Nope . Mum says she wants to keep an eye on it for a bit. That's stupid because it would hurt her eye if I scratched her and I just KNOW I'd get into trouble for that. She has put some cream on it and it doesn't hurt now so I don't see what the problem is. Stupid mum.
Thank you Pongo I feel very loved by you all Pongo - I hope your paw gets better soon.....I will miss you tomorrow but mummy said I will be seeing you very soon??
I'm not going tomorrow Pongo @Rosie either , the old girl says too far in the moving crate on wheels. But I have been out this morning to a new place . It was good A little shed thing in a little field with a ladyinchargewitha bag of sweets, well she said they were sweets. She was nice. And lots of dogs all shapes and sizes, I wasn't sure if one was a dog, cos I couldn't see a head or a tail or eyes to start with, but it smelt like a dog, and bounced and ran like a dog. So I think it was a dog. I was the only one that looks like the Forum pack. Anyway we got to play ... Then we had to do stuff like sit on your bum and lie down and settle and walk on lead but ackshually I didn't mind if I'm trooffull cos I was a bit puffed. I had to do ree cawl--- I mean were they serious? I had to pop and see the collies next door of course. But then the old girl had to run away so I went with her cos you just don't know what she'll do next if you don't keep an eye on her. I got sossarge. Anyway we're goin again next week
I met a man with a machine gun I licked him he was very sweaty. Ging Said sorry officer but he likes your uniform. they both laughed why did the laugh? he did look good in it though. I think ging would have liked to lick him too
There is a big white box outside our house. I saw it last night on our walk. I was not happy so stood and bark at it. Daddy said it is nothing to worry about. I am not sure, so further investigation is requiered on my next trip out
I just managed to sneak a couple of roast chicken bones out of the bin while mum was busy. I took them outside, but she saw me through the window & shrieked! She came rushing out, slipped on the dewy grass (though not over) and yelled, I mean really YELLED "Coco LEAVE". No way! These are far too good to leave. As she grabbed the one on the floor I tried to chomp the other one quickly. Bit cross, she used my snout as a handle and hoiked the bone out of my mouth! "LEAVE" she shouts again. She was muttering to dad, "Coco's LEAVE is no where near good enough for chicken bones"....I wonder if we'll do training with bones? I hope so... - Coco
I SWIMMED! I swimmed properly! It was MAZIN! I was paddling in the river because it was hothothot and Willow and Shadow were playing swimmy-fetch, but then I decided to try to swim and I DID! I did it so good!! Then I got out of the river and I was so happy and excited that I ranranran and kept going through Mum's legs again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and AGAIN!! Daddy was laughing because Mum was getting soaked, and Mum tried to make me go through his legs, but I just wanted to go through Mum's. She said I looked so pleased with myself. Well, wouldn't you? I SWIMMED!!!! Luna
I love swimin so much people who know me think I only come in wet. Hardly anyone has ever seen me dry on dog walk park always wet your mum Luna she'll feel left out if you don't Rory
I had the best weekend! I went to a dog festival and there were SO MANY treats! Every humans had treats so I was running and sitting and running and sitting to get the most treats! There were treats all over the ground (who does that?!?) so I spent a lot of time eating those too. I caught frizzbees with some border collies and I chased something called a lure! Mum bought me so many things and now I'm exhausted. Quinn