So sorry I hope he's on the mend soon. Its so upsetting when they are ill and so quiet. Hopefully he'll want some more chicken soon
Poor boy Hope you manage to get the medication in him soon and that he eats later on. Hope you feel better soon too x
I must add the vet was delighted to see a photo of poo!!!!! I had photographed the first red diarrhea yesterday. When I took Snowie to the vet this morning, I asked her if she wanted to see the photo. Yes! she said. It was very helpful for her diagnosis. She said it was a typical mound of "raspberry jam" - indicative of HGE.
Good news: the boy has his appetite back (almost). Ate the liquid antibiotic that he wouldn't eat earlier (mixed into sweet potato with butter). And more roast chicken - about half his normal amount for dinner, taking it slowly. And later ate the antacid capsule (must be taken an hour after medication as it affects absorption - it lines the gut) - although took a few goes as he spat it out initially. Used the scrambled egg he wouldn't eat earlier as a chaser: capsule sunk into butter immediately followed by the egg did the trick eventually. He was still hungry so I gave him some yoghurt, altho he only had half of it, left half, so not quite right. He also had more red-brown diarrhea late afternoon and ate grass. My husband kindly videoed the diarrhea event to show me (I was on the sofa flaked out with a cold) - no improvement in the diarrhea. Let's hope with food and antibiotics Snowie will improve overnight.
You poor thing......hang in there. Yes,it is so difficult to give them a pill....they are so smart! Normally they would just gulp food down but, as soon as you put a pill in their food, they KNOW it's have no idea but it makes it so difficult to get them to swallow it. Luckily you took Snowie to the vet right you are on the right track. Hope Snowie and you have a better night tonight.
Ooouf, poor Snowie (poor you too, no fun dealing with sick family when you're sick yourself). He's another one who's had a bad run recently. I'm "glad" that it appears to be gastro, and I hope that he recovers quickly.
Glad Snowie is feeling better than he was. Hopefully it will be on the up and up and he will be back to normal in no time.
Poor Snowie - hope he is doing better today. The symptoms and treatment are unfortunately very familiar to me. If Snowie tolerates chicken well (i.e. isn't one of those dogs who is allergic to it), my "go to" meal post-attack was small amounts of boiled chicken (white meat, no fat, no skin) shredded in very small pieces in overcooked watery plain steel-cut oatmeal. My friend's dog Nanda who had an attack of this week before last seems to be doing well on a post-attack diet of white fish, so maybe another idea. She's doing it with watery rice, though Brogan didn't tolerate rice so not so sure about that. I really hope you have good news today!
Thanks everyone. We got through the night with not one outing to the garden. What a relief. All slept soundly. I went up to bed at 10pm. Snowie came with me. Husband stayed downstairs. Then Snowie goes downstairs. Doesn't want to go outside (am expecting vomit or diarrhea). He's HUNGRY!!!! Husband feeds him more roast chicken. The boy is ecstatic. Thereafter comes to bed and we all sleep till 7am - wonderful!! Difficult to know if it's the meds or whether he'd have recovered anyway. Cos he seemed to be so much better within a few minutes of taking the first antibiotic. Can it work so quickly?? (I must confess I don't like to use antibiotics frequently, better to reserve them for when actually necessary - but the red liquid poo did worry me.) I haven't checked his poo this morning. Am in bed, sick. Too wet to go outside (beautiful rain!). Husband didn't check either. But Snowie is now snoring gently on the bed with me. He definitely feels better this morning - gave me such gentle good-morning licks and kisses, so sweet, as if to say: thank you for taking care of me. Cos usually morning licks in bed are reserved for my husband, I'm usually ignored!
I don't know about guts, but if you have a UTI the first antibiotic can often make you fee better straight away. Well it did for me.
My husband just completed a Tour of Inspection. Took his camera for reporting back to me! Found nothing. So either there was nothing yet to come out, or if diarrhea, it was washed away by the heavy rain. Snowie still snoring away on the bed.
How's Snowie doing? I found after a couple-few days my lab started to have little bursts of energy but would then soon nap.