Toilet training

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Kaaikens, Jun 23, 2017.

  1. Kaaikens

    Kaaikens Registered Users

    Jun 14, 2017
    Hi all. My Lab puppy, Honey, is now 17 weeks and can wee on command. ( I once made the mistake of picking her up and asking if she wants to go for a wee and she obliged there and then)! Usually she does this outside on the grass. However, whenever she is inside the house, despite having done a wee minutes before, she would suddenly squat and there she goes. I have only carpets in the house so sadly no hard floor anywhere. I have done all that the training guides say: washing thoroughly with non ammonia products, picking her up straight away and putting her on the grass etc. It is as if she really has no idea she needs to go outside to do her business. She does not even attempt to run to the door. Like all things, she acts on immediate impulse! Please tell me she is normal and that I am doing a great job and please do give me advice. There has been no pooping in the house although this is actually another thread as she goes about 6 times a day. Many thanks.
  2. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    Hi @Kaaikens are you washing your carpets with an enzyme cleaner AND following the instructions on the bottle? I only ask as when my boy was being house trained there was one area inside that he kept going and my OH was cleaning it up. I happened to watch him and he sprayed it and immediately wiped it up - the instructions were to leave for two minutes before wiping up. Funnily enough when I had done the whole area (following instructions cause I am a girl obviously!) Bailey never did and never has wee'd in that spot again. Apparently men don't need to read instructions!!

    Some pups are easy to house train and get the fact that they go outside really quickly - others no so much. Don't worry, you are doing nothing wrong, maybe just check Honey (beautiful name btw) has emptied herself when you are outside (well done for a wee on command too) - she could be doing just enough to get a treat (I had to watch Bailey doing that too) or maybe stay out for a few minutes longer?

    I am sure others will be along shortly to give more expert advice - but no matter what you are doing a great job, your pup is normal - there is a whole range of behaviours that are normal - keep consistent and calm and one day your pup will see inside as her den and will want to keep it clean :D
    Kaaikens and Plum's mum like this.
  3. Lfm

    Lfm Registered Users

    May 30, 2017
    My pup was the same, she would wee outside and immediately come back in and wee. It turned out she had a UTI which was causing the frequent urinating, easily resolved by a course of anitibiotics. Are they full wees or just dribbles? When she is going outside have you noticed that she's squatting a few times with only a few drops of wee? It's quite common for female puppies in particualr to contract cystitis. But I'm no expert and it may just be that she's returning to where she's gone before. I hope she improves!
    Kaaikens likes this.
  4. Kaaikens

    Kaaikens Registered Users

    Jun 14, 2017
    Thanks it can't hurt to have her checked out but I am talking full on wees not dribbles. And just now, I discovered a massive poop in her crate! Why?
  5. Kaaikens

    Kaaikens Registered Users

    Jun 14, 2017
    Thank you I sometimes think it would be easier to raise a dragon or triplets! I have never given her treats for weeing just a lot of praise. I wait until she is done before I praise her, but the cleaning instructions are certeinly worth looking into. I wonder also if the carpet feels like grass to her? I love her name too but this very morning thought how ridiculous it must sound to the neighbours when I say:" Honey, NO!!" over and over again. I think she may believe her name is No.
    Plum's mum and Samantha Jones like this.
  6. JenBainbridge

    JenBainbridge Registered Users

    Jun 28, 2016
    Darlington, UK
    I'd set an alarm and take her out every 30mins.

    After waking up, drinking, eating, playing - out she goes. Especially if she will wee on command, then you're pretty much guaranteed she's going to always be empty.

    When she goes outside - huge fuss, lots of treats and praise. Me and OH must've looked mental, practically danced every time there was an outside wee wee!

    When she goes inside, just ignore it. Clean it up and just act as if nothing happened. She'll soon realise that going outside gets good things and going inside is rubbish.

    She's only a baba - her bladders still maturing. She'll get there :)
    sunshineb75 and Kaaikens like this.
  7. Kaaikens

    Kaaikens Registered Users

    Jun 14, 2017
    Thanks, such good advice on this thread Nope, I do not tell her off at all, but I have to confess I grit my teeth. A lot. I think I may start to add treats for weeing outside though.
  8. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    Hopefully things have got slightly easier over the weekend? Not sure about carpet feeling like grass - I always think they use their noses more than sensations but there may be something in it - although she is still only a baby, it will come.

    I think all our pups at one time or another have thought their names are "NO" :D - just remember the word no means nothing to our furry babies - they don't understand English! I got so fed up of saying no with no effect I changed to making an "ah ah" sound - this now is linked to Bailey stopping, I then have time to give the trained leave cue.
    Kaaikens likes this.
  9. Kaaikens

    Kaaikens Registered Users

    Jun 14, 2017
    I have figured out she does submissive weeing. It started with my husband but now with me too. So now we bend from the knees and not over her and rub her under her chin and not on her head etc. It will hopefully do the trick. And I have washed my carpets with a carpet cleaner.
    Naya and kateincornwall like this.

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