Forthunately I don't work much within the criminal forensic system. I really don't think I would be able to cope with that but colleagues of mine have worked with from young children, aged 4 to juveniles who continually inflict pain on animals and other/younger children for pleasure. I take my hat off to those professionals. I work in acute psychiatry and we have a very, very low incidence of known animal abuse amoungst our patients. Actually we have a hospital cat who is very well loved and cared for by patients. When staff are unable to feed him, his food gets given by a chosen person. And he never wants for a clean bowl or water, our patients are very caring towards him. He lives in our prediscarge ward, so by the time people are in that ward they are almost ready to leave for home and are mostly healthy.
We had a park near us where someone was leaving balls of raw mince meat with pins in them. Disgusting.
Good news the dog that was sick is recovering. We're not sure what it is yet but no more dogs have become ill
Its the park i use everyday. Its been so hot I've not been going so its a bit of a relief. So were Just avoiding the area
Keeping everything crossed for the sick dog. Shocking behaviour from what I would describe as very twisted people xx
Do you have Blue Green Algae in the UK? Various ponds and lakes here get it from time to time in the summer, and the toxin can be deadly to dogs and humans.
There are no ponds on this park and these dogs only use this one. Food is often left out as offerings. Piles of rotting bread rice and other stuff. Its been a big problem over the years we're all wondering if it was this. All the affected dogs are/were known scroungers. Mouldy bread is known to be toxic and whatever hit them hit fast and hard.
Just heard the news about this, how awful. I live 2 minutes from Knighton Park and walk my lab Percy morning and evenings. Do you have any idea how this happened? Any comments from the vet? Many thanks Tom
No comments from the vets yet or the guide dogs vet, but I'm not going there at the moment and not seeing many of the usual people I know. Very sorry but I have no more info
Oh no, that is horrendous, it happened here a short while ago and it certainly puts everyone on edge.
It does Rory is kept close very close you can see him going please I want to go in the stream. About 18 months ago another local park was baited with ham laced with anti freeze. It was left in the little dog park and 2 dogs died.
I know they are both from the same home. She lost 2 of her 3 little dogs in a day.she's a neighbour of my taxi friend who breeds labs.
I just read this online. I walk my two here sometimes but I'll avoid it for the time being. The last time we were at Knighton Park (a couple of months ago) one of my labs ate an unidentified yellow jelly-like substance. Almost immediately she had problems walking and that night she was really sick, around that time she was passing blood too. I put the sickness down to this stuff in the park but the other symptoms I put down to another problem she was having (she wasn't well at the time and seeing a vet regularly). I wonder now if that was related