Need a pep talk or something.

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by b&blabs, Jun 27, 2017.

  1. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    There's a nifty little extension for Chrome called Flash Video Downloader (may be available on other browsers, too) which allows you to download the videos to your computer so you can keep them to watch later :)

    I used to use a lunge whip with a toy, but I found it quite difficult to hold onto; the dogs would easily pull it out of my hands because the handle was too narrow. I then bought this Squishy Face one and find it SO much better - definitely worth the price. The handle is chunky enough and grippy, the cord is a bungee, so neither you or the dog get any jarring, and you can replace the toy with whatever you wish.
    b&blabs likes this.
  2. b&blabs

    b&blabs Registered Users

    Sep 8, 2016
    @snowbunny - thanks! Also for the tip about the videos. I think I will grab one of those. I was going to make one out of PVC but the nice handle and bungee cord and overall construction make it worth the price! I did grab a lunge whip yesterday and found it a bit difficult to work with. And WOW was Bessie crazed for it! She got way too excited, in fact, and I had to put it away. She wanted to play tug really hard, and I was afraid one of us was going to get hurt. And then she wanted to lay down and chew through the rope, but jump up and play keep-away as soon as I got near, of course. Then body-slammed me while jumping at the toy when I tried to put it away!

    (Which has been a problem with retrieves lately, too. She gets overexcited and jumps and leaps at the toy and slams into me in the process. And has accidentally nipped my arm a couple of times, too, which hurts like the devil!! And makes it really hard not to curse at her. Ahem.)

    Tried again this morning, though, and had better results. Floated it above the ground a bit and was able to keep ahead of her better, and she was generally more ready to let it go, more like the video - she'd put her foot on it, but then remove it. And wow, I tired her out. She's been sleeping soundly for two hours now. I stopped after about ten minutes because I wanted to end on success, with her wanting more, plus she was panting hard - it's "hot" here.
    snowbunny, drjs@5 and Joy like this.
  3. b&blabs

    b&blabs Registered Users

    Sep 8, 2016
    The relationship stuff has been somewhat life-changing for me already, but this game is also life-changing in that it can really tire her out!

    I need to see if I can get Burke interested. I'm realizing he is SO lethargic (I always think "he's 8, can't compare him to a 1yo," but still) and I wonder if his aggression issues aren't thyroid-related. I'm going to get him tested. We've come so far with training but there is still this reactivity that remains at the core.
  4. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Just wanted to say sorry that you are having such a tough time.
    You have made some really good positive steps though.
    Me? I'm no help, world's worst for training ideas.

    Followed the link from Fiona though
    I love that this is "frequently bought with....Total Recall" :D
    snowbunny, edzbird and b&blabs like this.

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