My new puppy Alex

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by BarbWireBlondie, Jul 5, 2017.

  1. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Hello and welcome, what a sweetie you have there, I am so sorry about his eyes, it sounds like the breeder was not doing his/her job properly. I hope you get it all sorted, he looks a lovely little chap.
    BarbWireBlondie likes this.
  2. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Poor pup, it does look like his eyes are very irritated. Did you say that you can actually see that his eyelashes are contacting his eyeballs?

    He looks like a real sweetie :)
    BarbWireBlondie likes this.
  3. BarbWireBlondie

    BarbWireBlondie Registered Users

    Jul 5, 2017
    Thank you Karen, I don't think the breeder was doing his job properly at all, he was on holiday when I picked my puppy up, so another person was filling in for him. The other person didn't even have a clue which puppy was mine, and she tried to give me a Dudley puppy. She said that puppy's do change, and I explained that a Dudley will always have the pink pigments so I knew that mine wasn't a Dudley. The other person didn't even know what a Dudley Labrador was! And she almost refused me taking my puppy home. I was so upset, I knew which one was mine! You don't go on holiday when you have puppy's to look after and put your job on to somebody else! I'm just so glad to have him home with us, and we will do our best for him.

    Thankfully, I've looked up Alex's family tree on the Kennel Club, and hip scores average 10, and 0 for elbow scores. However, his mummy doesn't have any scoring, but she looked healthy.

    Alex's mummy was a lovely dog, and she had an excellent temperament, but I felt bad for her being in that stuffy garage with wood shavings and with no fans to keep her and the puppy's cool.
    Karen likes this.
  4. BarbWireBlondie

    BarbWireBlondie Registered Users

    Jul 5, 2017
    Hi Oberon, yes his eyelashes are definitely touching, I took a picture of it so I can post it up if you like? He isn't rubbing them as much now though, but I still feel bad for my poor little guy.
  5. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    I'm sure he will feel so much better when he can have the corrective operation. I bet you wish it could be done right away....

    It doesn't sound like he has had the most perfect start in life but I'm sure his future will be very rosy under your care.
    Karen and BarbWireBlondie like this.
  6. BarbWireBlondie

    BarbWireBlondie Registered Users

    Jul 5, 2017
    Thank you Oberon, :) I do wish I could sort him out right away, it's scary thinking that we have to wait so long. I'm hoping in the meantime that it might correct itself. I don't want his vision to be affected. I will keep you all posted on Alex's progress.
  7. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014
    Welcome from me, Wispa (5) and Tuppence (3). Alex looks lovely and you've obviously bonded very quickly! I hope his eye problem is resolved soon.
    BarbWireBlondie likes this.
  8. BarbWireBlondie

    BarbWireBlondie Registered Users

    Jul 5, 2017
    Thank you Granca, Wispa and Tuppence xxx
  9. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    Oh god yup I remember those! Must admit since swapping to, initially, a grain free kibble and then onto a raw diet Bailey hardly has any wind at all - but what he does are silent but deadly! But still not as bad as my OH :D:D:D
    BarbWireBlondie likes this.
  10. BarbWireBlondie

    BarbWireBlondie Registered Users

    Jul 5, 2017
    lol Samantha Jones!
    Alex has had a bit of diarrhoea this evening, I think it might be the puppy treats I've been giving him, plus I added a bit of his new food into his old food, so I'm going to stay away from these for now and give him his usual meal a little later tomorrow so that his tummy will hopefully settle. He literally ran for the back door to go out and poop, poor thing. He's still a happy playful chap though, so I'm not too concerned yet. I'll see how he does tomorrow, and if he's still got a runny bottom I'll have to take him to the vets.
  11. michelmouse

    michelmouse Registered Users

    Jun 30, 2017
    Arizona, USA
    Hello! What a BEAUTIFUL boy! My Bucky is 8 months old. He also has the worst smelling gas and I have to say I think it's a lab thing. My other 2 did as well. The best we could do was find him the least offending food to give him. For Bucky it's the Nutro brand Lamb and rice formula. We tried like 3 or 4 other kinds and it was like chemical warfare! Also, treats do it to him too. We get this Bark Box thing that comes once a month with new toys and treats and he got these duck jerky ones that just about killed us! Hahaha!

    I hope his eye issues clear up quickly, poor little guy!

    16114975_10155086454394391_7064244304751511555_n.jpg Here is bucky at 10 weeks

    18268603_10155430810274391_1173539886905827615_n.jpg This is his 6 month 1/2 birthday

    19149266_10155576991399391_2454825887086523936_n.jpg And here he is a few days ago

    They grow so fast! Take lots of photos!!
  12. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Willow had awful smelling wind when she came to us at 8 weeks. She could clear a room with a tiny trump (ah, it still makes me giggle like a schoolgirl that POTUS is named after an English term for a fart). After changing her food, it stopped completely, and now The Duchess rarely (if ever - I'm struggling to think of the last time) breaks wind. Shadow does trump (hehe) but it's all noise and no trousers. Squidge rarely does, but has been known to be a stinky-pants.

    Nice discussion :D
    BarbWireBlondie likes this.
  13. michelmouse

    michelmouse Registered Users

    Jun 30, 2017
    Arizona, USA
    This just made my day!!! :D This needs to become a thing here too!!
    BarbWireBlondie and snowbunny like this.
  14. BarbWireBlondie

    BarbWireBlondie Registered Users

    Jul 5, 2017
    Hi Michelmouse, thank you, and your Bucky is absolutely gorgeous! He looks a little like my Alex with his colouring.
    Alex's bottom seems to have calmed down this morning, his poop was firmer, I truly believe it was the treats that were the culprit.
    michelmouse likes this.

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