My 12 year old black lab has been diagnosed with a tumour in spleen and possible tumours in liver. Told theres nothing we can do He's not eating his normal dog food (dried) that hes eaten since a pup. If he eats other food it makes him sick and have diarrhoea so we are struggling with what to give him. Are we being selfish keeping him alive? Do we try him with other food? Ive made scrambled egg a few times and hes eaten that but has had diarrhoea but don't know if that's because he's ill or the egg?
Hi Woodysmum and welcome to the forum, so sorry it is under such an uncertain and sad time for you. I don't really have much advice as I have not been in your situation, just wanted to say hello and
Hello, @woodysmum , sorry to hear that you have had such bad news for your old man. I guess you can only try your best to keep him comfortable, I think you will know if his quality of life is decreasing
Sorry about your sad news, but I would just like to say welcome to you. The best person to talk to is your vet, they will be able to help you about what to feed your old lad.
I'm so very sorry such a sad situation has brought you to us I don't have any experience but I also think your vet should guide you. I hope you will know in your heart when it's time to say goodbye. Thinking about you. xx
Sorry to hear your sad news. It's probably best to ask your vet so that you can help your old lab to be as comfortable as possible. Do keep in touch and let us know how he is.
I am so very sorry to read your sad news. What does the vet advise? Unfortunately splenic cancer is unpleasant and also if he has some cancer in the liver, this can make him feel sick and ill. The diarrhoea 'could' have been because he had too much egg, or just a coincidence. If he was my dog, I may try and find different foods that he could eat, but if all that failed, then I would have to think of how my dog was feeling.
So sorry to hear the sad news about your old man. Our 12 yo black lab passed away in November. It was a very difficult decision to put him down but he was having bad respiratory issues and everyone in our family agreed he was ready for us to let go. We were given options of surgery but we just knew he was ready. Still the hardest decision we've ever made. I miss him everyday and I know how you feel. It might be tough but just know he will love you no matter what, and he always has. You just don't want him to suffer. Sending all my love and prayers to you. ❤️❤️❤️
Sorry to hear this. I can imagine it is so very tough for you. Just want to send you support and hugs. And remind you of the phrase "better a day too early than a day too late". You know your boy. Hope you can find something that suits his tummy xx