Puppy stopped sleeping through the night!

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by alschwahn, Jul 10, 2017.

  1. alschwahn

    alschwahn Registered Users

    Jun 26, 2017

    Aspen has been home with us for about 3 weeks now. The first week he slept through the night from 10pm-ish until 6 or 7am. This last week, he has started to wake up crying around 1, 2, 3, or 4am! We wake up to let him out because we don't want to break his potty training. We put up his water before bed and we play during the say! I even took him for a walk around 7pm in hopes that I would tire him out.

    He does go potty when we let him out, but why is he doing this now? I thought it was supposed to be the exact opposite :confused: haha!
  2. FloraLunaMom

    FloraLunaMom Registered Users

    Jul 9, 2017
    My girls did this also, I think it was related to growth spurts, as I noticed an increase in appetite also. I would get up and take them out, but very little interaction, no lights, a quick trip to their potty spot and then back to bed. Fortunately, they went right back to sleep!
  3. alschwahn

    alschwahn Registered Users

    Jun 26, 2017
    Okay, thank you for letting me know. I am wondering if it is growth because he seems to be more interested in food and is already starting to look more like a dog rather than a pup. Hopefully he will grow out of it. :D

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