If she is unhappy there I wouldn't take her. Find somewhere else you can have fun together. You wouldn't let a child be bullied so don't let her.
@Xena Dog Princess yeah it was awful, I felt so guilty He had to switch daycare in around February time and he's never stopped at this one before. I should've sent him for a trial sleepover really but just thought because he loved going he'd be ok. I think this one is a bit stricter and she separates the dogs on a night so they can't play all night, which I have a sneaky feeling is what he might used to do at his old one. So that's when he started kicking off. He went back for a couple of nights at the end of our holiday and settled straight away. She said she thinks he thought "well if I have to be left I'd rather be here with my pals than watching tele with grandad". I think she's probably right
This little girl is incredibly clever. What an incredibly concept - for the right dog! I can only imagine how much of a fiasco it would be trying to get your dog into that contraption the first time lol. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=2847593391930368
Been out for a short walk it's a bit hot and I'm a bit rubbish today and bent down to pick up a ball and got a face full of stinging nettle. Can't decide whether I like it or not
Totally agree. We are very limited for off leash places, and this one has a trail that connects to it and she is fine when we are walking past dogs so we go every so often. OH and I have agreed that we will not go at all anymore - we would be beside ourselves if she actually got hurt. I made a post about Quinn getting mounted a few months ago and Quinn is still mounted all the time! I took her to the vet and she didn't have any infections and she is now 19 months and has been spayed since 6 months and it has not subsided. We have dogs follow us for ages on trails, not recalling to get to her. Same as Xena, it also happens on leash. It may be that she is a submissive dog, so gives off a vibe? Quinn won't tell them off at all, ever. I stop it immediately if the owner doesn't step in. I hope it stops as she gets older!
I once fell off a mountain bike, spectacularly - right over the handlebars, but still astride the bike - I landed in a thick patch of nettles, bare arms and bare legs - it was really rather nice. Took my mind off the horrible gash on my shin for a while.
Luckily it's no so bad as that, that's spectacularly horrid. just down to my rubbish peripheral vision and generally being a dozy devil today. Hope you healed up quickly. I just got a stingy face down one side. Right time for another nap
Is it a rule or something that if your dog is going to be sick it must be on carpet? Stanley ALWAYS aims for my rug. Every.bloody.time.
Yes because they need an absorbent surface so that the sick doesn't splash on their fur or face. that would be terrible Rory feels the best place to be sick is sitting on my knee or in my lap. I have a finely tuned dog sick imminent reflex. Moo likes to do it behind doors buts thats Moo
I am a bad person. I am so morally corupt that I took my "Too Thin Labrador" to the park. I was told by a woman who was clearly a fat Labrador expert that my dog was too lean. Far too lean! I'm tired and feel ill today so can you guess what I replied ? We could do a poll? Earlier this week I was asked if Rory was a full Labrador my reply was no he's not had his tea yet so he's not full(with a toothy I eat babies grin) I'm sorry but does this ever end? he's clearly health active shiny and beautiful maybe its just sour grapes. Rory does tend to look magnificent in the afternoon sun, even if I look like scary hedge ape. Beauty and the beast?
This memory popped up on my Facebook. I had to share because it's just too cute not to. Odie's first ice cream from Dairy Queen. I think it was a hit
Driving home from holiday, electric window broke while trying to put it back up where Vanilla sits, and she thought that was the best until I taped it up with Duct tape. All I could then hear was a huff and a puff.