Mum is back, but I have missed so much on here - Dad won't let me on the tappy thing at all. I don't think he's very good on it cos when Mum is away he keeps talking to her and saying that the pooter is broken and then she tells him something and it is okay again. It's been a bit odd since Mum has been home. We had a sooper time gundog training on Thursday. But on Friday we went to the bum man for boozters, then he said the 'd' word to Mum and she has cut my food down . I could hardly survive on what I was getting so I don't know how I'll be able to manage now Then we went on a walk and I went into silly bitey games, I don't know why, and I bit Mum really hard on her arm and I couldn't stop . Mum was reeelly upset and took me home. Then it was group gundog training, but we had to do lots of work on 'steady' and it was reeelly reeelly frustrating. The man next to Mum fell over cos he was pulled so hard by one of my friends, and when we got a go at retrieving my friend Charlie ran away with the dummies, so I wasn't the norty one . Mum has just had her lunch and I didn't get my normal Kong, she said it's part of the di-et, so I'm laying in the kitchen unable to move through hunger. How long do di-ets last? Ripple
So glad your dad is back! My mum gave me this rubber thing WITH FOOD IN IT. Seriously! When I roll it, the food comes out! I've eaten all the food and taken it back to her a million times, but I can't make her understand that it needs more food. I saw her putting it in the freezer and she said I can have it after I swim, but that's about a million years or three hours away!
We went for a ride to the tip this afternoon and it was brill cuz I got a new-to-me football but mum says I can't have it yet, cuz I'll just burst it but it doesn't matter cuz I got a new, BIG Hol-ee Roller too and it's ace! and we played fetch 'n' stuff with it. As an aside - mum's been playing with me in the garden just now, with a food bowl & some kibble. It's not dinner time. We've been doing weird heeling near it, past it, from it, with the odd mini-recall, then I was getting sent to eat it. Does anyone have any idea whatsoever what this is all about? Should I be worried? - Coco
Coco, you're right something weird's going on with bowls here too. Last night I got five!!!!! mini dinners in my fast eating bowl. I normally get one in my slow eating bowl. I got five cos mom said the stooopidflipinvideophone**** didn't record. If I'm going to get the food in the end anyway why not cut out the middle man and stop this nonsense!? I have a feeling this is going to get worse before it gets better... any other dogs out there having this problem with their mums and dads?
Ripple, di-ets are very bad. You must summon up what little strength you have, I know you must be feeling weak as you haven't had your kong. then you must steal the hooman food. Anything is fine, but meat, cheese and sossige is best.
Not wishing to brag, Ripple, but tonight, I got some fillet steak, medium-rare, from mum's plate....and some (a very BIG some) rump-fat from dad's. I went to the Bum-man-lady this week & I am NOT on a di-yet. I am handsomely perfect. With stripey legs. Seriously, I hope you can blag some food like Monty said. - Coco
Wow, you are soooo lucky Coco. I am still weak with hunger (even tho' I had sardines for dinner and a kong in my bed tonight). Ripple
I never have to go on a diet cos I'm skinny. Im glad di ets sound pants. I've had lots of cuddles today too.Rory
The bowl thing is happening here, too, guys! Most odd. I like it though because I get told I'm amazing and brilliant and beautiful. All of which is true. Luna
I stole the cheeze I stole the cheeze I stole the CHEEEEEEEEEZZEEEE!!!!! Even the big bit I didn't get to eat is mine now cos I've licked it all!!!!!! No more kibble in bowls for me today!!!!
Been to coffee shop again. I watched the humans drink coffee & eat cake. I had some water & 2 dog biskitss. I'm beginning to like this Cafe Culture, feeling quite the sophisticated dog-about-the-village. Done more of that strange parading around a food bowl in the garden....just wondering where this is going? - Coco
Mum and dad went out last night and I had to Lookafterthehouse for AGES AND AGES. But when they came back they said they felt Giltee and they brought me a huge huge huge bit of STAKE. It was the best ever. I like it when they feel Giltee.
Evreybody is getting loads of stuff, food bowls in the garden, Stake - all I'm getting is di-et . I even had to go foragin for berries on my walk today to keep myself going. Ripple
Nana and grandad have been on holiday. They must've missed me because I got CHIKKIN DINNA! It's my favouriteeeee! Specially Yorkshire puds Stanley
MMm I got barby kew. Not a lot, but nice little bit of sossij & steak-burger anyway. And plate licks. Sorry Ripple. - Coco