Hi all we went to Chelmsford market today and bought a harness and a lead.I tried to walk him there and then but he was too anxious. Walked back to car with Michael carrying him and he wee'd down Michaels shirt which (sorry) I found rather amusing. When we got home I unhooked the lead and left harness on so he could get used to the feel. A little while later I took him outside without the lead and he was very cautious but crossed the threshold and met his new neighbours by the score. (Why has the word neighbours been flagged??Grr I hate this American English surveillance) Anyhow he kept sitting down and I would walk yards ahead (not metres) and then he would trot to my side and I'd repeat the process and he'd follow suit. All in all a pleasing reaction to people and to the fact he was quite obedient. The world's his oyster now and he'll know the Chelmer Blackwater Canal backwards very soon.
Yes I am aware Snowbunny but it drives me insane!!!This is comeback because alphabetically United Kingdom is above United States. wonder if our American friends HARBOR a grudge if you pardon the pun!!!!
Ugh, that makes me itch, having been working with some Americans for a while, and needing to localise (yes, localiSe) our software into American English.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm American and for whatever reason all my spelling gets corrected to British English. About two years ago, my Mac decided that it was British and started correcting everything for me. I've just learned to embrace the "neighbourhood", "colour", etc. I don't "harbour" a grudge, I'm just going with it. I already know not to use the word "pants" instead of "trousers", tell my UK colleagues I'm going on "holiday" rather than "vacation" or not talk about how my dog is in the yard (rather "garden") and I've knocked my wing mirror off twice in Ireland so that term is also drilled into my head (vs. US "side mirror"). So maybe my computer knew I was most of the way converted anyway and is trying to help me with the last 30%? Also glad to hear about Dawson's first walk. We need pictures!!
Thanks for the reply and was really quick with google translator to read!!! We had the pleasure of a young American Girl from Wisconsin staying with us last year and what a delight it was.I was a bit naughty though because I spoke a lot of colloquial English which did throw her slightly. as for photos I will get a tenner (£10) and pay to becaome a supporter and then photos are really easy. I love this sight ( oh God do I look silly now??!) as everyone is genuinely friendly.
What all of you Americans and British need to do is catch up with the rest of the world, do the sensible thing, and go fully metric.
YES! I may be British, but I couldn't agree more! Kilometres FTW! Although using kilojoules instead of calories blows my mind a little, when it comes to food.
LOL, try being in Canada where folks my age know metres (flagged) AND yards, pounds AND kilograms, fahrenheit (flagged) AND celsius (also flagged) spell neighbours (flagged)with it's proper "u" as we were taught in school yet have to read it without the "u" in much of our own written media. Not to mention driving in La Belle Province where highway signs are in French yet my own family are all descended from Scots and Irish with original land tracts in Quebec.
After seven years in Europe, I've all but lost my fluency in Fahrenheit. California is pretty much always between 65-90 F, so I know those temps, but I've only ever had cold weather in Germany, so while I know darn well what -5C feels like, I couldn't tell you what it is in F. The upside of this is that when I tell someone back in the US how cold it is here and don't bother to "translate", I get all sorts of sympathy as they think it's way colder here than it actually is. I also lost my sense of miles, as in the US I never did long car trips, where here I drive partway across Europe a several times a year. Miles would be a drag now as I'd see something like "Los Angeles 600 miles" and think, "Only 600 to go? That's a breeze!". Oops.
I know, right?! When I drive long distances, I like to "tick off" every hundred kilometres. It's a good feeling to see the distance to go click down into the next bracket on my GPS - that's the only reason I use the GPS on my trips back to the UK, in fact! But, even short distances seem so much longer in the UK when it says "WhereYouWantToGo - 30" and you instinctively think you know how long that will take, then it takes soooooo much longer because it's stupid miles. Whereas if it had said 50km all along, I'd have been happy with that!
Well my doggy says he'd rather eat 3 tonnes of food a day as opposed to 3kg a day.He also says he prefers Marathon bars to Snicker Bars.
So your suggesting I don't know my weights and measures!!!! you should come round here when I make home made pizza.I weigh everything out and when it's cooked it lasts for six months...know why now!!!
Thank you and today little man goes to Paper Mill where lots of Labs reside and obediantly sit by their mums and dad's whilst they eat large home made cakes. It could be great fun or psychological hell!!! We wait with baited breath!!!
Well what a day! We went to Paper Mill on the Chelmer Blackwater Canal and had a drink.Dawson was a very reluctant puppy and was very nervous.However he received lots of attention from people and also his canine friends. We had to carry him part of the walk because he refused to move.I then gave Michael the lead and walked some twenty yards in front and called him and he lost his shyness and started waling towards me. By the end of the walk his head was high as if to say look at me folks I'm the King of the castle. When he came home he had a nap and gave me three of those beautiful little yawns with noises!!!!! I went fishing and when I got back at 10.30 there was a revitalised little man wagging his tail for England!!