David was out with Charlie for his normal 5.30 am walk in the woods where he met the wood owner with his three chocolate labrador bitches. Charlie was on lead as it's an on lead area, obviously the owners dogs were off lead so a potential problem. The girls surrounded Charlie sniffing him which he is not so keen on, he whined a bit but kept his cool. David then got Charlie to sit about 6 feet away whilst he chatted to the man and his dogs were all mingling around together. One of the girls went up into Charlie's face, again Charlie does not like this, but he just whined and didn't move or react even when the girl showed all her teeth and growled for a while, not sure why she did. David said he didn't move a muscle, too scared of being surrounded by so many women There were two missed training opportunities which is a shame, 1. Charlie has had a tummy bug this week so David didn't have any treats on him to do LAT and 2. He couldn't let Charlie off lead infront of the wood owner to remove the on lead and off lead situation However, I think Charlie did really well to compose himself for 30 minutes and cope with things he doesn't like so he got a lovely treat when he got home xx
Sounds like he was a bit stressed. I'm wondering if next time it might be good to move on rather than stay chatting....
Having thought it through I did wonder if his whining was stress related. David had no intentions of chatting for so long but everytime he tried to move off this lovely man started another conversation so it was a little difficult. Charlie did seem to settle but I'm never quite sure if whining is stress or excitement related but I agree it was much too long for him with three off lead dogs around. Thanks Rachael x
Tricky for David then! The owner of the bitches also could have called them away to make it easier on Charlie. Charlie is a good boy to be so restrained in a challenging situation
It would have been considerate for him to call his dogs away, he didn't bat an eyelid even whilst one of his girls was growling and showing all her teeth at Charlie. Some people However, Charlie did pretty well in a testing situation. x