He Swallows What He Chews On!

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by AngelConradie, Jul 15, 2017.

  1. AngelConradie

    AngelConradie Registered Users

    Jun 7, 2017
    South Africa
    He's only 5 and a bit... But I swear I could write a book about our Riddick! :D If Riddick is chewing on something, he swallows it while he's busy. He clearly has no gag reflex! And he's FAST!

    When he was a puppy, I was often woken in the wee hours of the morning by him puking up a sock. And I can't tell you how many times he pooped a sock. I was baffled until I discovered that one of my cats would "hunt" socks out of our cupboards, drawers, and washing baskets, and leave them lying around the house, where Riddick would find them and chew on them, swallowing as he did so!
    He also ate and puked or pooped out plastic packets, a couple of dishtowels, the drawstring from a pair of my husband’s shorts, and a couple of pairs of my knickers.

    Before he was 5 months old (2012), I had to take him to the vet when he threw up paintballs! He'd found them in my son's bedroom and swallowed a whole lot! The vet gave him a shot to make him throw up - and it seems he swallowed 100 to 150 paintballs! The next morning he was a hundred percent back to normal thank goodness, and his adventure earned him a spot on dogshaming.com! :D

    About a year later (2013), we had moved to a different house, and it was like the previous tenants had used the garden as a tip and I was working daily to pick up rubbish, and the dogs kept unearthing more!
    One morning Riddick started throwing up, like he had no control, it just came pouring out of his mouth. They kept him overnight and could find nothing on the xrays, but bloodtests showed he wasn't sick, and they found a ball of disgusting old rag about the size of a grapefruit at the point where the large and small intestine meet, with a wad of grass and leaves he’d been eating because he wasn’t feeling well. Thankfully they managed to gently move it down without actually cutting the bowel, but he had a long cut down the length of his tummy. Thankfully he recovered with no complications.

    It goes without saying that I have watched him very closely ever since! His latest adventure though, took him less than 5 minutes!

    I took Riddick to the vet - he's stronger every day but his sugar is wrong and he's lost weight. Guide Dog Puppy Riggs went with me. I put both of them back in the car afterwards, with their leads still on (I usually unclip them) and went back inside to pay. Took maybe 5 minutes. I got home, and this is all I could find of Riddick's lead. [​IMG] I wasn't sure which one of them ate it, but it was probably Riddick, and I couldn't go back to the vet 'coz the car packed in as I got home. I spent the next few days watching and waiting for them to pass it and praying for no obstruction!
    Riddick pooped it out in bits and I am pretty sure its all done, and he's completely fine!

    Oy. Stomachs of iron indeed.
    Emily, Stacia, SwampDonkey and 2 others like this.
  2. Kelsey&Axel

    Kelsey&Axel Registered Users

    May 5, 2016
    Haha wow! That's crazy! Here I was worried that Axel ate my bra and was going to need surgery :D he threw it up and pooped it out just fine. He swallows things whole which is scary to me, how does he not choke?!

    Worst was probably when he ate his cone from getting neutered and the long gauze string that ties the cone on them. 5 weeks later he threw it all up :rolleyes:
    AngelConradie likes this.
  3. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Tatze does exactly the same and started in the same way, eating a lead I'd left on in the car in a rush.

    In her case she swallowed it whole :rolleyes:


    AngelConradie likes this.
  4. AngelConradie

    AngelConradie Registered Users

    Jun 7, 2017
    South Africa
    Woah - five weeks or five days!?! :p

    I am glad Riddick at least chewed it into bits as he went along... I always dread having to pull strings out of bums - the socks were too terrible! :confused:
    Kelsey&Axel likes this.
  5. Kelsey&Axel

    Kelsey&Axel Registered Users

    May 5, 2016
    5 weeks!
    AngelConradie likes this.
  6. AngelConradie

    AngelConradie Registered Users

    Jun 7, 2017
    South Africa
  7. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    I think they might be like sharks they find all sorts in their bellies. Moo could probably eat strontium 90 and be fine
    AngelConradie likes this.
  8. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Do you have the same problem as us with GD puppy toys? I have to be hawkeye to make sure Tatze doesn't eat them. Some she leaves alone (like Kong snakes) others she'll devour if she can (Kong wibbas)

    AngelConradie likes this.
  9. AngelConradie

    AngelConradie Registered Users

    Jun 7, 2017
    South Africa
    Riddick isn't fussy :D ! I have tried to keep toys from Riddick if they are meant for the babies, but the babies inevitably take it to him to play with! Now its Nylabones only - and only the hard ones as he eats the rubber ones, even if they are labelled for strong chewers! His poop is regularly filled with brightly coloured bis of rubber!
    I have yet to get a Kong of any kind...
  10. AngelConradie

    AngelConradie Registered Users

    Jun 7, 2017
    South Africa
    Thats a good description!
  11. Lois Moore

    Lois Moore Registered Users

    Oct 27, 2017
    Is there anyway to stop this behavior? Our lab is one year old and I am truly afraid for his health. The puking is happening at least twice a week and his poop is always full of the most interesting things. We live on a farm so there is always something he grabs and even in our house, which we have tried our level best to dog proof, he finds things to chew and eat.

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