I had a fun walk at the Beacon today. All my zoomy places had filled with water so I did a lot of running. The water made everything smell different so I did a lot of sniffing too. I saw some deer but they never want to play so I ignored them.
Moo says I can't say that kind of knowledge is not for everyone. I don't know really I saw a football I wanted it and I ended up locked inside a fence and couldn't get out
I was on holiday this week and guess what?? A MOUSEY ate my kong bone whilst I was asleep he took advantage because I had taken my pointer-pants off for the night. I was tired having spent all day trying to drag mum and dad towards sheeps. When I woke up mum was sweeping up bits of my favourite bone and it had nibble marks all over it and the mouse had got some of the nuttybutter out of it I will never take my Pointer-pants off ever ever again. A Bad Day for the Pig.
Don't worry little piggy next time that evil mouse comes to Nick your stuff eat it. They taste nice and are all wiggly down your throat. Moo
I found the mostest ever raspberry bushes today - I ate so many that I had a raspberry zoomie . Mum said I will have raspberry tummy later, what's raspberry tummy? Will I be all pink on my tummy? Ripple
I ate chilli. Mum made spicy chikkin wings - and we all had a chikkin wing with our dinner! But then she spoiled the rest of them by cooking them on the barbee, but THEN, daddy spilled the pot of chikkin joos all over the floor. It was garlicky and ginegeree and spicee and yummmmeeeeee! Daddy thinks I might have a bad bottee in the morning. Luna
Best day ever! My mum gave me these treats I've never had before and they were SO GOOD I did EVERYTHING she said to keep getting them! I did "sit" and "down" and "stay" (forever!) and Mum said "off" is getting there. My 10-year-old boy and his cousin helped me learn off and stay--when my mum said "stay" they danced and played and tried to make me move, but I didn't fall for it because I wanted those delicious sausages! And then my mum and the boys and my dad and I all played with the hose and filled my pool and then I had a bath and I am so tired.
I think he might be right when Colin ate spicy chicken he had a very firey bottom. Hope you are ok Moo
I was a little bit sick this morning, but I made sure I ate it all up again nice and quick before the others could take it. Mum just rolled her eyes at me. Luna
You're a getting to be a very street wise young woman Luna. What you need to do is Nick everyone else's sick too and maybe their poo or even your own. Never waste the opportunity for a hot meal. X Moo
I saw a biggggg pile of delicious food this morning but Mum said 'LEAVE IT RIPPLE, someone's been sic on the pavement' - was only going to tidy up Mum . And my raspberry tummy never came, I'm disappointed. Ripple