I hate, hate, HATE ticks! I just spotted a brown speck over Coco's eye, like a blob of mud - but it wouldn't wipe off...heart pounding, I fetched the tick-twister & had a go - YES! Out it came - it WAS a tick. Eeew. This is our first ever. Uggh! Disgusting little creature. The ticks I've seen in the past (on my cat) were bright white/grey when really swollen. Would this one have gone that colour eventually?
I tried to drown it in vodka, but it just kept on swimming, so I tipped it out on the patio & torched the blighter with my turbo lighter.
Yep, they go grey as they feed, then turn black when full up and fall off on the floor. I picked one up off my kitchen floor the other morning thinking it was a bean or stone....you can imagine my horror when I saw it's legs moving! They seem rife around here at the moment. I took 4 off Lucan in one day last week......YUCK!!!!
I took my first engorged one off Luna a couple of weeks ago. I hadn't seen an engorged one before, as they're pretty easy to spot on Willow and Shadow so I get them early. Luna's coat is so thick, though, it's impossible to check her all over in the same way. This one was on the front of her carpal joint, which I thought was an odd place. I got J to squish it, once I removed it with the tick tool, and it was black inside! I was expecting it to be red, like a mozzie. Ew, ew, ew!
Either I've missed them or we've never had one. Not many where I walk and I used treatments. So fingers crossed
Yuckkk. I hope I never have to take one off. I'll probably end up the vet because I don't think I could handle removing one
I have to confess, I was shaking! But hey! I've done it ! (having taken cats to the vets in the past to have one removed)
Yuk yuk yuk........I took Harley to the vets last month to have one removed right on the top of her head that wouldn't come out.......yuk yuk
I did briefly debate whether to tip the whole lot back into the bottle - tick and all - à la Tequila with it's worm