Oh no, it wasn't the swears, that just made me laugh, I meant the last bit. Bit of a muddly post, sorry.
Just love Oatmeal comics. Describes Casper to a "T"....even down to the morning at the professional photographers a week ago.when he jumped backwards spooked by a white background light thingy...then slipped through a hole in a fence to our horror and ran off barking at a herd of rather posh cattle...Thank God the farmer wasn't there. The photographer seemed surprised commenting that Casper didn't seem that sort of dog..sigh...
He'll go to his grave never knowing my name heartbreaking! The part where it's "you complete me, I hope the feeling is mutual" .... "must.. lick.. balls" - me and Stanley to an absolute T! Everyone was like you'll never know love like your dog loves you - mine tolerates me at best
Oh this did make me laugh - I am finding lots to snigger at on The Forum at the moment - enjoying the light hearted threads .
Thanks for posting this - I'd not seen "The Oatmeal" before and I went down a happy little rabbit hole last night looking at all the stuff on the site.
If you like The Oatmeal, you might also like Hyperbole and a Half. Slightly different, but still very entertaining: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com.es/
Oh I loved the bit about the old dog: 'Hey, wake up, I gotta go stand in the yard and sniff things instead of peeing'. Ah yes, I remember that...