Owners of a puppies working...

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Me and my dog, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. Me and my dog

    Me and my dog Registered Users

    Oct 25, 2014
    New Zealand
    Any ideas, solutions etc. of what others are doing in regard to being a working puppy owner...
  2. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Yep, I'm one of those! Well, my dog is no longer a puppy but you know what I mean :)

    I've used the following:
    - taking leave from work (when first got dog/pup)
    - arranging to work from home
    - dropping back from working full time
    - daycare
    - dog walkers who have a key and come during the day
    - puppy at trusted neighbours' house for the day
    - play dates at other dogs'/puppies' houses

    These days we just use daycare.

    A combo of things like this works well. You can change the mix as they get older and can cope alone for a few hours (eg a couple of days daycare with a dog walker on other days).
  3. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    We have used a combo of the above..mainly a dog walker, I work a few hours from home and so does my OH when needed. Our parents have been a great help, plus we have very helpful neighbours who consider our dogs part of their extended family!

    One of the most crucial things for us was getting it right in the beginning, and taking time out to do so, absolutely no cutting corners! :)

    My OH had a bit of time of work, so when he went back Bramble was just over 4 months old. We had a
    schedule in place that made sure she wasn't alone for more that 2 hours at 16 weeks old through to 6 months. It was tiring though! What helped enormously was the fact we had trained her to enjoy her crate, she was totally relaxed, would happily spend 2 hours with a frozen kong, and her chew root. Our day though, until she reached 6 months old started at 5.30am!
  4. JenBainbridge

    JenBainbridge Registered Users

    Jun 28, 2016
    Darlington, UK
    We did the same as above.

    We mainly used day care. I took a couple of weeks off then OH was off for a week initially to settle him in.

    Then we were lucky to have a really helpful family who looked after him until he was 16 weeks or so. Then he went to day care.

    Now he's a bit older he can be left longer so when OH is on nights his dad pops in and gives him a walk and he just chills in the kitchen until OH gets up around 2pm. On the days we're both at work all day he still goes to daycare but our bill has halved as it's gone from 4 days to 2 which is nice :)
  5. FoxRedDon

    FoxRedDon Registered Users

    Jul 31, 2017
    My partner and I both work and our puppy is now nearly 6 months old. Leaving our pup has been a bit up and down! I work all day, but my partner only works up til lunch time so our pup is alone for 4-5 hours 4 days a week.

    We took a little over a month off at first between us to settle the pup in. When we went back to work, the first few days we used day care. We then started leaving him at home – we attached a pen to his crate so he had somewhere to toilet outside his crate incase he couldnt hold it. Initially he was fine, we would leave him with plenty to ocupy himself with and he would toilet on his puppy pad. Unfortunatly he then learnt how to jump his pen and roam around the house, which led to a few runied items!

    We then had to shut him in the kitchen, but having a lot more space, meant a lot more mess! He can hold the toilet for a while, but not the whole time. So now we've got a dog walker to come in after 2 hours to walk him so he's only alone for a couple of hours before he gets to go out and get some exercise and a toilet break.

    In hindsight I wish we had done this from the begining. At 6 months old the max our pup can hold in the day time is about 4 hours, so it depends how long yours will be left for on what sort of thing you need to look into. Good luck!
    Me and my dog and drjs@5 like this.
  6. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Wise words.
    Every puppy is different and some are happier alone for longer, but some only last the length of a kong (if that) before getting anxious +/- destructive.
    Most recent puppy owners would probably agree with making a plan for 2 hourly sessions alone being the max, and building up slowly over several month - once your pup is happy in your crate/pen etc.
    FoxRedDon likes this.
  7. Georgieboy

    Georgieboy Registered Users

    Jul 30, 2017
    This is our first day with our 18 week old lab being home while we work. He is in his kennel at 8, dog walker comes at 10 for an hour long session with him, back in from 11-12:30, I'm home with him for about 45 minutes and then he's in again for about 1-1.5 hours. I am hoping this breaks up the day well for him. Once he's more trustworthy he will be able to be in a pen attached to the kennel, and hopefully eventually have a room, then run of the house once he's older. I'm hoping he does well with it all. Good luck to you!
  8. Sven

    Sven Registered Users

    May 23, 2016
    When we got Vanilla, I had a a few days off. We then staggered our time. Day would start about 5am, with me looking after her until I left for work at about 630. Wife would then leave for work at about 8am. Neighbour would come in every couople if hours to feed her (10am & 2pm) and at 12pm. She would bring her little daughter with her and stay for about an hour each time.
    I would return about 330-4pm.

    As she got older about 4 months this changed to the neighbor coming in between 12 and 1pm to feed her. And still coming in about 10 and 2pmish for a play.
    My wifes and my routine stayed the same.

    During this time a few personal issued made it harder as my wife had to assist her mum for 3weeks due to her dad passing away. So I was on my own, but had assistance from the neighbor.
    When she was about 6months I was away for a week to organise MIL to move in with us.
    Vanilla and wife managed, with help of the neighbor for the week.

    We now have MIL living with us, which helps on toilet etc side, but brings it's own challenges as we have to train MIL to make her aware and read Vanilla. I think we are getting there, plus Vanilla enjoys her piece and quiet. Thatis the biggest issue we have in teaching the meaning 'Let sleeping dogs lie' to MIL.

    Now that she is in hospital we are back to staggering our time, but wife comes home at lunch time for about 30min. Vanilla is now 16months.

    Day care did not work for us, partly Vanilla but mainly ratio between humans and dogs. Plus their attitude.

    Sorry for long essay, but what I am trying to say is; what ever you do will work. You just have to find the best way for you.

    Maybe not ideal but it was the best we could do and it worked.
    selina27 likes this.
  9. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    Much harder than dog training!
    Sven likes this.
  10. Sven

    Sven Registered Users

    May 23, 2016
    Oh boy it is. Especially when they are old school....
    selina27 likes this.

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