Pongo! You sly so-and-so - seriously, Pongo, you're one lucky dog, I am a teensy bit envious - double dinners - Coco
Oh Jess I know it's all horrid. I've learnt recently that it's all down to Whore Moans. It definitely makes you moan. Just like the Pig @Lara I thought I had babies too, on the sofa, but I didn't really. It was the Whore Moans telling me and they were fibbin. It was nasty and made me unhappy. So I will have Oppa Rayshun so they don't spoil my fun again.
Mummy has kicked me and daddy out She said she's sick of cleaning up after us so we've come to nanas. It's not really fair - I clean up after her. Who else picks up all of her crumbs? Daddy says if we keep out of her way for a while she'll forgive us. I hope so Stanley
We we've had an awesome afternoon. The squeeler came and the black dog gang went out for a ramble. Solo came too. I got lost and followed someone who wasn't one of my monkies, I don't know you all look the same to me. Ging sent the idiot boy to fetch me back. Old dear! I'll show them I ran off and jumped in one of the big deep ponds......Oh the embarrassment when my old legs couldn't get me out. Thank goodness my trained monkey slave knows what to do. It was a very invigorating dip and I was so soaked. Reliving my youth is great but so tiring I had my tea and it's nap time now Moo
Think Mum is beginning to regret this di-et lark. I have found I can eat lots of berries and make Mum scream 'NO, RIPPLE, NO, I'M SURE THEY'RE POIS-IN-US' - well Mum, just feed me proper dinners. And at the beach today I ran so far away that I couldn't even see Mum and I found lots of stuff to eat, don't know what it was, but it was delicious. Then I ran back to Mum grabbed a mouthful of cheese as I zipped past before she could get attached to me on the rope thing. It's been a reeellly good day . Ripple
I ate something too yesterday I've no idea what it was but my new name is Rory Thunderpants my bum smells a bit wiffy too...apparently
That is just so sad, Pongo. Maybe there is something in the air that is making them all look unhappy and then they explode? Hope your Owl does not explode Vanilla
I'm feeling very lonely and bored today, so I'm sulking around. I just spent 10 days with my best friend, Honey, and we did EVERYTHING together. We even went to the beach! She met all my friends, and we had loads of car rides and fun walks. I mean, I guess I'll get over it since she was sleeping in my bed, eating my treats and ruining my toys, but it seems quiet without her barking and jumping around. Quinn
I think he does Pongo, I really really think he does. Let us know how you got on looking after him. Vanilla
Went on the super raspberry walk again yesterday and GUESS WHAT - there was luverly DEER POO everywhere . (Did a few nice retrieves as well to keep Mum happy). Ripple
Quinn - don't feel lonely. Maybe you have to ask your hoomans for a brother or sister? Then you could have fun all the time... Ripple - Always have to keep our hoomans happy. Well done on the retrieves. Did the deer poo taste good? Did you bring any back?
I'm so excited!!! Mum is packing! She told me we re going to the beach - I love the beach! She said we re going to have fish and chips and scones with Jam and cream! She said I can play a fielder when we play cricket! I love hooolidays!
My mum told my dad that our dog-related focus tomorrow is going to be on helping me calm down with the cats. She said I'm doing better but need more practice. I can sit and be calm a lot longer with them now, but they're CATS!!!! Who can hold in all that excitement?! They're so cute and fluffy and wiggly and tail-switchy! She says they don't like when I chase them and that if I just sit still and stay down they would probably be my friends. BUT WHEN I JUST SIT THERE THEY GET AWAY!
I am so with you there, it's just not possible to sit still when cats are around. I luv chasing my cats . Ripple