One. Word. TURKEY. You have to tell your mums and dads to get you turkey! It's so good! But it makes a clicky sound. None of my other food clicks, but the clicky food is definitely the BEST.
You and I are sensible, Monty. Perhaps the other forum dogs don't have sea monsters where they live. I must say, I do snort very prettily when I am in the water although the river washes off my drooly nose bracelets
You are the bravest although please can you also chase away the other things that this Pig doesn't like namely swans, the car, fat men, groups of people laughing, small people running, balloons, drones, ominous logs, unexpected plastic bags and sometimes the moon. Fanks. well if your mum hadn't put her foot down on a rat it wouldn't be squashed and you wouldn't be in this mess honestly, Pig-mummies are almost as silly as pig-daddies sometimes although not quite.
Yes,yes,yes...what's a moon by the way? (I got shouted at for worrying swans...but if you need them chasin', I don't mind being shouted at). I love you.. - Coco
A moon is a big thing that lurks in the sky sometimes and looks at me funny and I have to bark at it and stick up all my back fur to look like a Big Pig and scare it away. It usually works. But anyway enough of the moon Coco, I have begun to notice that you say 'I love you' to all the girls and I thought I was your special Pig I am beginning to think you are one of those handsome boy dogs that our mums warn us about... no more charming us with your stripey legs and flirtatious ways!
I love every one my little/big Pig. I have plenty of love to go around, fear not. Did you chase the moon last night? - when I went out for a wee at 1:30AM (ha ha mum! Gotcha!) I noticed it was hiding behind some clouds, but the clouds were lit up by it. - Coco
Mummy is on di-et now too! And it lasted more than one day I've had to go for 3 walks today. It's a bit much really - cut into my sleep time. And apparently we're going on a looong walk tomorrow. I think I need more food to keep my energy up. She said she needs to lose a stone. There's lots of stones in our garden - every time she loses one I'm going to find her a new one. That'll teach her Stanley
Today , the very best thing happened ! A small hooman dropped a icecweem on the path , right in front of me too ! The small hooman was crying , her Mummy said she couldn't pick it up, cos it had muck and leevs on it , so my Mummy said I cud have it ! When the small hooman seed me , with icecweem , all over my nose , she stoped crying and started to laff and laff and laff , so that was just fine , Sam x
I got TWO walks today. I had a great daddywalk along the river, then mummy and daddy took me to herufud. Lots of people told me I was beautiful. People are clever. Dad wouldn't let me join mum in the cheese shop, which is a pity as it's smelled wonderful!
Just want to say - I love my Zogoflex Jive ball (someone recommended on here). My mum (and dad for that matter) is HOPELESS at throwing a ball, but we play with this at the station in the morning, and it bounces funny, it can bounce quite hight too, and it's so heavy it carries on. It bounces onto the tracks and bounces funny. It's just funny and I love chasing it. Even with the most rubbish, feeble throw you get a good, unpredictable chase. Had sossij too. - Coco
Cheeezzzzeee yes one of my new favourites treats. I can hear them when they are about to get it. I do a very smart sit. I especially like daddy's special brown cheezze.
Dad has gone off again - Mum said he has to keep going away to keep me in collars and leads and all my speshal training. I don't mind as Mum always does sooper things with me when he's away, wonder what she's got plannned this time? I hope it means ice-cream . Ripple
Oh I can't stay mad at you for long Coco especially since you scared the moon away for me Just go out every night at 1.30am to make sure it's still hiding. Your mum won't mind, I think too much sleep makes hoomans boring anyway. I'll be tucked up in my Pig-nest at that hour but will sleep safer now I know that moon isn't going to leap out unexpectedly.
I et horspoo this morning! It was so fresh and so yummy! Mummy called me and I ran to her and had some fish stick, but then I went back for seconds because it was deeelishus!! Luna
PS I'm hungry. Mum says I'm starting to look nice and slim, so when is this die-uht going to end?! A not-as-squidgy Squidge
Couldn't find hors poo this morning, so I ate mud. I like mud, I really do, but it's not as nice a fresh hors poo. Lucky Luna . - Coco
Two things-- One, I think my mum may be losing her mind. She came home for lunch today and put on her little blue pouch (I love that pouch! She thinks I don't know it's full of treats but I know! ) Then she went into the living room and of course I went too because I was hoping for some clicky turkey! But then guess what we did? NOTHING! She moved a footstool so that I could see the cat (and the cat was making mean scary faces at me ) and then NOTHING again! AND THEN SHE GAVE ME A TREAT! I took it because, well, it was a treat, right? but I was worried about her. I looked at her with my question face and she said, "Good girl, Honey. We're ignoring today!" I don't know what "ignoring" is, but I love it because you just lie down and look at your mum and get a treat! The other thing is do you want to know how to drive your people crazy? Go outside, have a wee, and then when you come back inside go straight to your boy's room and poo in the floor. It gets them every time!
Mum took me back to the river yesterday to see if the sea monster was still there. It was and now it has my dummy as well as my ball