Happy birthday Moo - you are AMAZING! I wish wish wish I was as clever as you. And I wish that I had trained my hoomans half as well as you have trained yours. Your big fan Pongo xxx
Happy birthday Moo! Sorry I am late, yesterday I didnt have time for jibber-jabber because I was Very Bizzy picking all the green cherry tomatoes in the garden and 'sploding them on the carpet. I hope you had a good day like I did. Love, the Pig.
I had a nice day and am going for a special walk with Solomon my oldest friend. We are going to our favourite place too. Ging gave Me some chips well done little piggy I like your style Moo
Happy Burfday Moo , lick lick lick xxx I had a fab time last night , we had a burfday party in our garden , for one of the hoomans , there was lots of food , burgers, sosij , chiken , and cake too x Me and Nell played out till it was dark , Mummy and auntie were drinking stuff in glasses and got a bit silly , Mummy says she is a bit fragile this morning, Sam x
I had a wonderful walk and jumped on the river. Had a smashing tea and am going for a little lie down. Zźzzzzzzzzx
Ah but Moo, you have hoomans to provide chips for you! No need to find your own. You are Moo the Magnificent.
TWO outings yesterday . We went for lunch - I was allowed to come too. I had a 2 Queenies, a scrap of bacon then some ice cream. I watched people playing on the beach, but dogsnotallowed . Later on we went out for coffee again, and I had cake. And I met an off-duty butcher. He smelled delicious. And he patted me. And he said I was handsome. Well I am! - Coco
I'm sooo sooo tired, Mums xciting walks are wearing me out - I haven't even got the energy to chase the cats. My hooman sister said Mum has an ollterior motif, but I don't no what one looks like so I can't find it. . Ripple
I past my adolesssscent obeediens class yesturda wif flying colours. Now mom says we'll do the Canine Good Neighbour course. But I'm already a good neighbour so I don't weally understan what she's talking about. Then Pet Therapy course, but I don't fink I need therapy, I'm too young to have big fings to worry about, so I don't fink I need therapy yet. Moms can be strange critters sometimes.......
Fink you might have got confused, I spect its your Mum having the therapy course - my Mum said she needed therapy after she got me . Ripple
I have exciting news. ONE OF THE CATS PLAYED WITH ME. She rolled around and made cat noises and didn't hit me or make that hissy noise at me even once! Then my dad said I had to go sit down because I am too big to stand on her. But she was very cute and a lot of fun and I just wanted to make sure she knew I liked playing with her. Also, my mum gave me peanut butter this morning. And it was so good, but it makes my mouth stick together. I wonder if she did that on purpose?
Save me please ! I heard Mummy telling Daddy that she might get me a pushchair , a flaming pushchair for hevens sake ! I no I`ve got a poowly leg and I am not aloud to walk far at the moment , but I cannot be seen in public in a pushchair can I ? Daddy said No Way , he wouldn't be seen ded with me in a pushchair , fank you Daddy , Nell x
Nell don't tell anyone but ging used to carry me about in a big velvet purple handbag with glittery beads. I quite liked it especially the lovely velvet. But don't tell I'm a big tuff boy. I was a handbag dog oh the shame.
Bit if a quiet day yesterday as I was a bit stiff from my adventures. This pm I going to sweep in like the golden hoard unless its to hot then it will be nap time. Moo the diabolical but semi retired
Careful Coco! Trolls like stripey legs the best and I think they can put their troll arms through the gaps...
Shhhh I might just might be going into the country. Ging is home early and putting on big walk kit. Must be good got to keep my cool....nnnnngghhhh it's very hard Rory