I was gifted 2 big, fat trout this week - now cooked and portioned up into 4 days of wet food for Coco - lucky dog!
I saw baby buzzards with their mum and dad. They were obviously just out of the nest and following mum to try to get some food. Rory really gets the stalking thing now when I focus on a bird or deer he follows closely and quietly. He's so sweet.
Apparently labradors make the best assistance dogs because there's nothing they love better than pleasing their owner. Please can someone tell mine that! He's just wacked my cup of tea all over me with his paw - and I'm pretty sure he did it on purpose because he wagged his tail a few times after as if to say haha
I'm at work and can't help but look at pictures of my furbabies. I only have 8000 of them on my phone Anyways this is probably my favourite picture at the moment
Ella just had a random, unprovoked case of crazy bum-tucking zoomies in the lounge room! She went absolutely nuts! I thought she was supposed to be a grown up two year old
Grrr - there are now cows in the field we use to do our Chuckits & retrieve practice after our walk..so we're in the smaller field next door. I could feel Coco wasn't interested in retrieving today, but we did 10 mighty Chuckits with a ball. Looking forward to all the lovely poo when the cows move on....
Don't say that Seriously though, he's a handful! So naughty, I only like him when he sleeps can't wait until he's older and a little less crazy
I was accompanied by a red kite on my walk today it was so amazing. I walked all along the ridge and fields and danced on the strong wind
We have had a lot of rain recently (unusual amount). Out on our normal walk in the morning on the Golf Course. Next minute Vanilla sees the relection of the light in one of the bunkers and goes for it. Splash is all I hear and her zooming in and out and then standing there looking at me to say 'this is new, who put the water here'. Nice wet dog and happy dog...
Last night Ella was fast asleep in her bed when I went to bed. I woke up at about 4am to find us cuddling in bed together (she was in my bed, not the other way around ). Not sure how and when that happened!
I didn't say anything but about a week ago Axel ate a cardboard box and some wrap that went around said box. (Flooring box for laminate flooring) well I'm still waiting for said contents to come out one end or the other When will he grow out of being so destructive?! Sigh.
I've just sent off for an application to apply to work in a local doggy day care. I would LOVE it! (Obviously assuming it's all run well etc). Worth a go! I don't really enjoy my job and life is too short. With only legal experience I'm not sure how far I'll get like..
I laughed out loud at the image of Benson charging out the door straight to the sausage after all your hard preparation of a scent trail! Yep, gotta love these labradors!!!
This is all first-world problems compared to what some of you are dealing with, but I have to get this off my chest (and it ends with dogs!). I've had an incredibly shitty week. On Saturday night my glasses snapped in half at the bridge (nose) when I was cleaning them. I only have the one pair, no contacts, and I'm blind as a bad (-8 for those in the know). So they're currently being held together with masking tape and wire while I wait for a new pair. I look awful, and its made me feel awful too. Then on Monday my jaw started to hurt. Ok, probably just a wisdom tooth poking through. By Monday night I couldn't even open my mouth properly to insert a fork full of food into it. On Tuesday my jaw was aching, my cheek was sore, and I felt rotten. Off to the dentist - my wisdom tooth is growing sideways . The swelling has gone down so I can at least open my mouth properly, but now I wait for an appointment with an oral surgeon to see if I can get it extracted with my health insurance, otherwise I have to wait several months for it to grow some more so that my dentist can extract it himself. And I've got terrible regrowth in my hair (I'm almost 35 and have been 80% grey since my late 20s) which has made me feel even worse. It's truly the topping on a shit sandwich (I have an appointment but because of reasons I've had to push it back by weeks). But today I woke up determined to not let any of this bother me. It's finally stopped raining. I put a pretty headband in my hair and took Xena for a special walk in an off-leash area that I rarely take her to. She gets very little off-leash, but today she was off for almost the entire walk. She had a blast, she was SO well-behaved. No embarrassing moments. She recalled to me when I thought she was going to run off after a little dog she'd just said hello to (YAY) and it was just a lovely walk. It's funny how one lovely walk can really help your mood (Swampy says this all the time but I really get it now).