Moo, don't you think you ought to give Ging a rest every now and then? If she gets too tired she might forget to FEED you!
You should have seen me I strode the 47 bus route like Labrador colosus and got my Foo mended by bum man John. I rock in my fancy Japanese cherry blossom dog collar and my super shiny fur and none damp bottom. Moo the hormone replacement warrior
It was really strange tonight, mummy came home but no daddy. Mummy got me my dinner and then she got my treats and leads out. She never takes me out for a walk...anyway we got into the car and drove down to the railway station. I spotted daddy as we turned the corner and went bananas....well so mummy said. I just wanted to say hello to daddy. Well we dropped mummy off to do some girly stuff and me and daddy went for a walk and play. Moo I have never been on a bus. Not allowed here, are they fun?
Bus are marvelous food is just on the floor. People pat you stroke you and I don't have to walk so far. I love the bus.
I went in the river today , and swimmed ! Well no , I cannot lie , I didn't exactly swim but I paddled about a bit and it wasn't as scary as it used to be . I had my first nice walk in ages today cos I`ve had a poowly leg , so Mummy hasn't been letting me walk too far , at least she has forgotten the pushchair idea , I hope . Anyways , today I did a marathon , well it was a marathon when you`re only very little , and I found a feather and carried it, like a gundog , a tiny gundog and I was proud of it too . Then we went to the moors to see the wild horsey things , then we came home and me and Sam had our tea , we had smelly fishies in red stuff and I got it all over my mouth , I love fishes in red stuff , my life is wonderful , Nell xx
I ran on the beach. I played fetch & earned venison sossij. The ball bounces funny on the stones. I love it when the ball bounces funny. One thing though..the sea was far away. It was near last week and i did swim in it. Puzzled. - Coco
Vanilla, you may be on to something.......I didn't see a sea monster today....but they are cunning. - Coco
I will check at Weekend to see what our sea is like as we are going to the Beach. We haved not been for ages and ages.... Apperantly I have had my final walk on the golf course in the morning for now . Hope this does not mean no more walks in the morning. Daddy says it is to dangerous now
I tested for sea monsters this morning. I had the beach to myself, so chased the ball along the sand, but a couple of times I ran out into the water....and I DROPPED MY BALL IN. It just bobbed about. It made mum shout and wave, but no sea monster came....either they are not there today, or I, Coco the Brave Stripey One, scared them away, or, more likely, mum's ridiculous shouting and waving scared them back into the deep. - Coco
I found a wabbit skin. It was deeeeelishus! But Mum is tired today because I needed the toilet a lot in the night. She seems to think the two things are linked. I might have to conduct some more research. Luna