Fearful LAB

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by crissie, Sep 7, 2017.

  1. crissie

    crissie Registered Users

    May 13, 2015
    Hi Everyone,

    Just wondering if anyones Lab is fearful. Milo is 3 now had one to one and group training but still wont accept anyone going up to him in the street. He is definately unsure of men which started as a puppy. I live in a city so he should be use to people around. Even when he sees other large dogs he gets really defensive i have started crossing the road to avoid the situation. He is better off lead but unfortunately in Malta thats against the law especially in a city. Any one had the same problem ?
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Hello Crissie and welcome . I wonder if it may be worth taking Milo back to basics and going to training classes again ? What a shame that he cant be off lead because dogs tend to be far less fearful off lead than on , as they feel restricted on leads , sort of trapped ! Maybe just a general training class where he can mix with other dogs, and their owners ? Even if he doesn't need the actual training , it might help his confidence , good luck .
  3. Snowshoe

    Snowshoe Registered Users

    Sep 5, 2015
    Ontario, Canada
    Jet was always submissive to men in particular and rough playing dogs. Not defesensive agressive. After a time she began to offer friendship to people we met who had dogs with them. She had doggy friends. I think she was just the dog who did not like full out contact football and strangers touching her. It was not a big problem and we did not work on it. I decided if my dog didn't want someone she never met before patting her on the head, so be it. I don't like pats on the head from strangers myself either. :)
    Jazzmynn likes this.
  4. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Hi Crissie, have you thought about doing LAT (Look at That) training? Lots of us on the forum use this method with reactive dogs, I do with my rescue dog Charlie as he is fearful of some larger dogs. The idea is to help Milo to realise that looking at his triggers which for him are men and dogs is nothing to worry about. But DISTANCE and great treats like cooked chicken, sausage etc. are your best friends to begin with and gradually over a lot of time moving nearer to the trigger.

    So Milo looks at the man = click, he looks at you = treat. I hope that makes sense as I'm not the best at laying things out clearly. There is a thread on the forum about it. It really does build the dogs confidence over time. xx
  5. Jojo83

    Jojo83 Registered Users

    Feb 11, 2017
    I would suggest some sessions wuth a behaviourist who can devise a plan to overcome his fearfulness. While I have no problem with a dog not liking strangers stroking them out on the street as long as they are not aggressive but being fearful of men, who make up approx. 50% of the population, is a situation that needs to be changed particularly when there is fearfulness of large dogs. It's good that you have been crissing the road to help Milo cope but it's just not reasonable to keep crossing backwards and forwards.
    He might have spent he's life living in the city but that doesn't mean he's comfortable with the proximity of so many other people and dogs just like ys humans xan be comfirtabke in one emvironment than another.

    A good behaviourist can help you and Milo overcome these difficulties and so start enjoying life together and enjoying walks.
  6. crissie

    crissie Registered Users

    May 13, 2015
    My vet told me the same thing that people should not just assume dogs like to be patted. Milo is very happy just being around me and two smaller dogs i bring home for him to play with. The thing is it can be quite a problem as some people dont understand this they think all labradors are over friendly. I will try the LAT training and see how it goes. Will think also think of taking him back to group training. Thanks for reply.

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