Ripple you just got to finks really really hard.. no teefs, no teefs, no teefs! These humans are sensitivite creatures and don't like playing wif teefs! Stanley
I like teefs, and grabbin clothes, and chasin the cat and jumping on her. Nobody likes what I likes. Ripple
Paddling about is good, Nell. I'd stick to that if I were you. I think swimming is overrated, but Wispa loves it. It's safer to keep your paws on the ground. I'll have to ask mum about fishesinredstuff. I think I might be a dee prived dog cos I've never tasted them... Tuppy x
Coco I think you scared away the sea monster with your stripey legs because I went in the river and nobody nibbled me, and apparently even little Nelly went paddling and if the sea monster had been there he would have snorkled her up in one gobble like she was a bit of kibble. Let all the doggies rejoice, for we can swimmy fetch without fear well, without fear of sea monsters anyway. There is still a fear of cold puppy boobies
Well I think there's another, more scary, lump monster lurking in the sea. On my hooolidays this week I went paddling in the sea (I don't get my manly chest wet if i can help it, Pig ) then the very next day i get a hoooge lump on my neck and I dribble and can't chew well. Coincidence? I think not. I went to the vetbumlady and had a long sleep there and now I've got a hole in my neck A real hole! So the sea monster has given me a lump and then escaped when vetbumlady attacked it. My theory anyway.
I waz in the see today too Maybe I waz ok as I kept away from the wayvz. I stayd in the big poolz. I hope your sea monster bite goes away very qwikly Lilly x
Well I don't like to exaggerate Ripple, but I'm probably definitely sure it was and it was the size of a football. Or maybe two footballs. It's a little hazy becos of the long sleep
When went to play Footie in a swamp today I was green. You have to watch it in swamps cos Jennie green teeth will get you if you stay in too long. Ging is weird. Ging eats the fish in red stuff she gives us some when she doesn't they are nice. Moo Said if she had thumbs she'd eat stuff like that all the time.she stole some of my tea too Moo likes raw lamb mince I'm not so sure I will have to try it some more
Oo Monty that's bad hope the hole gets smaller soon. a stick bit my leg once. It really hurt. Ging said I was lucky cos it just missed my plums. But I don't have any plums. Oh and Moo says a sure way to make a sea mozy to go away is to wee in the sea. She does it loads. She says that a monster did come to our house once it opened the fridge door and ate all pizza and licked the cheese. She was asleep at the time obviously.
I got a new toy! It's BRILLIANT! It's called Annie and Mum says that she is Willow and Shadow's sisser. Which must mean she's my sisser, too, because Willow is my sisser and Shadow is my bruvver. She looks a lot like Shadow but smells different, and is the BEST TOY EVAH! Mum says she is staying for one more night and Annie's Mummy and Daddy and human bruvver are coming to stay tonight. YAY, MORE FRIENDS!
Sea monsters have over-stepped the mark. Biting. Not good. I have to go on A Boat next week and I will be surrounded by sea - apparently - I will be shut in the back of the truck and can't see noffing, but the sea is there. - Coco
Oh no, sea monster back, everyone out the water again I hope the bum-man popped the football and it didn't come back xx
Mummy is hungovered. She keeps being sick but doesn't eat it which is very strange. It gets flushed away.. I don't even get offered it. She says we're having a doovey day. We've got the nice big soft thing from the bed and are having cuddles. She best not forget my walk though. Can't be having her think she's getting out of that one Stanley
Mum said we're doing retrieves in the sea this afternoon - I am very very doo bious about this . Ripple
Me and Doug saw a sea monster once. Ging sang by the sea and one came out. Now I'm not saying ging is a bad singer but it was so ugly. It was huge it was called a sea ul.
I went in the sea, there where no sea monster here. They seem to have all gone to visit everybody on the otherside of the world. I had fun and did retrieves for ages. Then got home and daddy disappeared for ages, well it feels like ages but apparently only was an hour...finally came back and we ended up going out for coffee, then I got another walk tonight. Don't know why, but I think daddy was making up because he was busy yesterday...
I`m sik of having bafs , Sam doesn't have bafs but I do . I expect its cos I am very lickle and very fluffy and usually I am white , but I trail in the mud and get proper filfy . Fank goodness we don't get much snow in Cornwall , I would sink in it , I wish I had long lanky legs like Sam , snot fair , Nell x