Mum was showing a friend some photos on her phone this week, when this one popped up... ...and mum said, "That's not allowed, of course." "Then why have you got a throw on the sofa?" asked the friend. I think perhaps it's because we've won. Wispa
It is only a matter of time. So the way I did it was with cuddles on Daddy amd Mummy first on our sofa downstairs. This now is mine, all mine. Then I did exactly the same upstairs, but only once. After that no more issues. So just give cuddles when they are on the sofa, the gradually slide off them on to the actual sofa. When doing this look surprised as if 'very slippery up here' it will work a treat
I was just really really really naughty everywhere else but on the couch. I'd bouncebouncebounce round the front room on a night, dragging my bed around, doing zoomies, biting etc etc. But then I'd jump on the couch and lie quietly, at first daddy said no. I'd be kicked off and bouncebouncebounce again. Then I'd jump back up and lie down and give mummy my good boy eyes then I think mummy's exact words were "as long as he bloody settles I don't care where it is". And ta-da the couch is now my spot and I have my very own blanket Stanley
You know this Nelly thing ? Well , I fort it was only here for a holiday, but it seems I was rong, its got its paws well and trooly under the table now . It now barks to jump on Daddys nee and then barks for its tea , I fink the hoomans have created a monster ( but she is alwight reely ) Sam x
I got three outings today, so much fun. We went to a new beach, but I did not really go into the water. Waves where to big, then I came across 2 not so friendly dogs. Daddy went 'pippipip' and I came running back. All dogs should be friendly on the beach...I then saw a Labrador black and we played together so much I am fast a sleep as so tired....
I know how you feel, Sam. It's the same with That Tuppence Creature. I sneaked off to sleep in my crate this evening cos she was stretched out on the sofa with mum. I could have climbed up somewhere else, or even gone in my comfy bed in the sitting room, but I really wanted to be with mum but TTC got there first. She does play tuggy games with me when mum's busy, though, and has trained her to give us treats every time we come in from the garden, so I spose she's not all bad. She nags mum for our food too, whereas I only manage to do pleading eyes. I love Tuppy really. She's my friend. I spect Nelly is yours too really. Wispa PS You can also pretend that anything norty isn't your fault!
I got to go campin agin this weekend!! I wuv campin. Mom n dad took me to the dog parc at the campin place, nd I gots to play with some udder dogs, n play swimmy fetch (no sea monsters at the parc), and lots of zoomies with sum udder pups. We went on lots of long walks, and I gots to see lots of udder dogs at there campin sites. I did get a bit norty cuz I finally found my voice and barkd Sumtyms. Parntly this annois the heck out of hoomans? Who knew?
I have run amok and caused Havok it was great. I'm tired and hot and need a nap after all that amokness. Ging went upstairs so I pulled all the cushions off the furniture and chucked them round and chucked my already truly ruined dog bed round the room with my blankies. Then got giant squeaky toad and ran about squeeking it. Then I played with ging a bit. Squealed like a pig barked in a very high pitched silly way. So tired now I think a naps in order. My new collar makes me look very swanky Rory
Mum called me SmellyBum earlier. Just cuz we wuz on our walkees and I got a bit distracted halfway through a poo and forgot to finish, cuz I had to chase my bruv. It felt a bit funny, like there wuz somethin' following me around, but I ignored it 'til we got back home. Then Mum got a tissue and grumbled something 'bout me eating grass. They're weird sometimes, hoomans. Luna
They are crazy Luna. I had the best time ever when i ate lakie bands. Bouncey boingy poo he he he Moo
@snowbunny I do that this too Luna, eat grass and sometimes a bit of a blanket. Yes you are right it does feel like there is something following you. It is not fun, I now just present my bum to daddy and let him sort it. Makes me feel so much better, but he mutters about me stopping it. I am now a grown up....mmmm yeah right I will always be 'Vanilla the little girl pup'. @SwampDonkey Rory hope you had fun. I like crazy amok moments. But most importantly we require a fashion shoot with your new collar. Vanilla
I'm going to meet EMMILLEEE!!!! I'm going to meet EMMILLEEE!!!! I'm going to meet EMMILLEEE!!!! Mum says I'm going to be part of a Labratour. I don't know what that is but I hope it tastes nice. Pongo xxx
No amok today got to be extra good cos ginger needs looking after. Might have a tiny bit of a silly jump about later.
I stole Mummy's lunch and gobbled it up. Mummy said Stanley that she very naughty. Haterz gonna hate Stanley
I was the phantom wee wee er today I wee weed on the big blue poof and then I did another on beards chair. He sat in it he he he. He probably thinks it was ging he he he . She laughed too Moo the leaky phantom