Wow! Look at Coco, looking at a pair of Labs - a puppy & and adult - and not lunging or pulling, or even standing up! (he did pull & bark at a handful other dogs, but mainly he ignored all other dogs today. Proud of my boy!
He did get a Queenie for being good, and some of my ice cream (after I'd eaten all the Maltesers in it, of course )
That's so cute. and will be so warm in winter My photo went sideways too yesterday when it shouldn't have done, I only realised after I'd posted.Not sure why as it's never happened before.
Holly had a great time playing rocket dog. She found zero rockets, but met lots of human friends, jumped up at them, rolled in the grass with Chloe (another rocket dog)and helped lots of people eat their lunches. She's now absolutely shattered.
Just come across a "meet-up for big dogs" in a doggy-lady's horse-arena. She's organising different days for different sized dogs, & will provide hot drinks for humans - an hour or so for £2. Think I might take Coco a week on Monday - he does love to meet like-minded dogs, but rarely gets to, and I can always step out if it's too much. I've already noticed she classes the Border Collies in the "medium dogs" so that's good. The Isle of Man is very small, so I'll probably know half the owners there through work!
Wandering round the house looking for my exfoliating gloves. Shout to OH have you seen them? His response.. "Oh yeah.. Stanley rolled in poo so I used them to clean him".
I've done a bad thing a very bad thing but I couldn't help it. I got Rory a new collar cos we've not got enough of them it's got the great wave by Hokusai on it and I feel it would have been terrible to live without it.see no choice
Ripple has had the most glorious afternoon - me not so much so . I took him to our local park and he was happily chasing and returning his ball when he must have got the scent of some really odiferous poo. He ran down the hill and across the park to find it, just as he had finished scoffing it and looked up to return to me he spotted an older couple ( one with a walking stick) with two small dogs. He rushed across and jumped on the little dogs probably expecting them to play, he then spotted the walking stick and tried to snatch that away . Luckily at that point he must have smelt some more poo and dashed off again. Unfortunately he then went back to the little dogs and grabbed their tennis ball and ran off with it; by that time I had caught up with him and he dropped the ball and ran back to me. Only THEN he spotted someone with a pushchair and two little children behind me, so he ran straight past me and jumped up the children trying to snatch their bags of sweets away . I was madly apologising and at the same time waving sardines around trying to catch Ripple. Luckily he slowed down enough to try and get the sardines so I was able to hold his collar and put him back on the lead. With the old couple grumping at me and one of the children in tears I offered grovelling apologies and whisked Ripple away. I don't think I will be visiting the park for a long while, in fact I think I shall be reluctant to be seen in public with Ripple again - never a dull moment.
Oooh b*gg*r sorry you had such a pants time at least he didn't roll in it too. I remember walks like that a darkened room a damp flannel and hard liqueur usually helped