So we have cleaned little Joy's right ear thoroughly every day this week but the mysterious aquamarine thread the vet saw in it has failed to emerge, which means she's back to the vet tomorrow to have it removed under G.A. The poor little thing is only five months and really small and dainty ( never thought I'd describe a Lab as dainty but she is) The youngest my previous dogs have had G.A. is when they've been spayed three months after their first season and I can't help worrying somewhat. I also don't like the thought of having to leave her at the vets by herself. This practice has looked after my dogs for 26 years and I absolutely trust them but... well I'm probably worrying for no reason. Has anyone else had a puppy that's had anaesthetic so young? How did it go?
Poor girl. Sorry, my girl didn't have a GA until she was 1 and had an emergency spay. Just wanted to say that I hope all goes well tomorrow
Sorry to hear you are going through this with Joy - I think it's natural to worry about general anaesthetic. I can only share my experience with foster dogs. The shelter I volunteered for spayed/neutered puppies at 7-8 weeks old, so all the dogs I got as tiny puppies went under GA for the procedure at that age. They all did perfectly fine. I don't agree with that surgery at such a young age for various reasons, but just looking at whether they came through - they came through great. I had a three month old small breed who went under GA three times a week for three weeks to try to treat her broken leg. She finally had her last GA to remove the leg, and was running around two hours after surgery. She is now 17 years old, so no long term affects.
The youngest I have experienced is nine months old , so I cant really help except to offer support . I think you can take some comfort in knowing that these days , General Anaesthetics are so fine tuned and safe . Just wanted to wish you much luck x
Thankyou Emily, that helps. I do realise I'm probably worrying for no reason, but she just looks so vulnerable!
My girl had her first GA at 5.5 months fir her spay, her second at 7 months for a scan and her 3rd for her elbow operation. She's been fine after the GA and no problems with recovery. The only time she's been whiny and distressed was after just some sedation for x-rays at 7 months.
Thankyou everyone for your replies and support. Little Joy is asleep by the fire and blissfully unaware. Perhaps I just need to chill. Not normally a worrier, but when it's your dog... Oh, and husband too, of course it's also quite worrying if your husband's poorly... well nearly as worrying as the dog anyway.
Yes, it is quite different when it is your own dog, I do understand. I used to be a veterinary nurse and was quit cool, calm and collected, but when it was my own animals I was a nervous wreck! I do hope your husband gets well quickly, you don't need a double worry.
I'm sure it will all go just fine GAs are very safe these days. She'll be much happier with that object out of her ear.
Joey had to go under general anaesthetic at 16 weeks. He had fractured a tooth and an infection started, which was on his bloody supply. We also got him desexed whilst he was under, as the vet said it would be better to do it in one go then have two surgeries so young. I was really worried, but he came out fine. I think I was more anxious than him! We picked him up and was ready for a quiet few days but, of course as soon as he got home, being a typical lab, was running around with the zoomies Seems the general anaesthetic had no side effects! I'm sure Joy will be okay! Wishing you luck
Thankyou everyone for your kind thoughts and messages of support. Sorry to be so late in getting back to you but we've had problems with Internet access for the last week and now finally a (considerably younger) friend has fixed it for us. Joy ended up being sedated rather than having a full G.A. and the vet never found the bit of thread that he'd seen, so it must have come out after all when we weren't looking. He did find and manage to remove a ball of hard wax on her eardrum. She was home for 2.30, very happy to be back and absolutely fine.