Hello from Wales! We have a 13 week old little yellow girl called Sophie. We got her on Monday. She is already "retrieving" bits of cardboard, lost socks etc. . She brings them to show me and looks so proud! She is also demolishing the small hydrangea which lives in a pot outside the back door. The flowers wont hurt her, will they? She keeps decorating the conservatory with them, more tearing them up than eating them, I think. She is so lovely, funny and happy. Hope she stays that way! (Also hope she starts to sleep through the night/ stops chewing flowers/peeing and pooing everywhere/ chewing chairlegs etc eventually.)
Hydrangea is not good for pups, here is a list - https://www.dogstrust.org.uk/help-advice/factsheets-downloads/factsheetpoisonoussubstances09.pdf My pups have a love of lilac leaves and they eat any which drop in my garden- they just play with the others. And welcome to you from Mags, Tatze, Mollie and Keir from Manchester UK. Tatze is my pet dog, a black Lab and she's four years old. Tatze means 'paw' in German. Mollie is my fourth Guide Dog puppy, a black Lab who is twelve months old. Keir is my fifth Guide Dog puppy, a yellow Golden Retriever/Flatcoat cross and he's eighteen weeks old.
Wow! After reading that list I don't think I should let Sophie out EVER! I will be a bit more careful though, I can lift the hydrangea out of her way at least. I have a 2 year old German shepherd called Edie and she has never bothered with it. We have had dogs all our lives but never a Labrador before. Can't believe how fast she eats! We have got her a puzzle bowl which seems to slow her down, but maybe its a Labrador thing. All the rumours about eating everything, edible or not, are true then? Do I take it that you are a puppy walker for Guide dogs? How long have you been doing that? It must be really satisfying, though hard to say goodbye.
Hi @redmal1 , Sophie sounds a real little poppet. Like you, I've had dogs most of my life, but Cassie who is almost 18 months is my first Lab. What part of Wales are you in? I'm in Herefordshire, very close to the English/Welsh border.
Yes - it’s a Labrador thing, Tatze has eaten some weird and wonderful things! Yes, Guide Dogs. I have been doing it for three years and Keir is my sixth puppy. I had Gypsy, Twiglet and Mollie for the full twelve months, but Bruce and Kara just for a couple of months each. Puppy walking is the best ‘job’ in the whole world but, yes, it’s heartbreaking when they leave - the hardest part. Mollie will be leaving us very soon to go to Big School. .
So Coco is Sophie and Edie all rolled into one ! Sort of ...... Beautiful face, assuming that's Coco your avatar.
Hi there and welcome to you from Poppy (5 years), Merlin (7 months) and me in Germany. Merlin has just finished demolishing a rotten tree stump in the garden. I knew his digging and chewing addiction would come in handy some time!!!!
Welcome Mal and Sophie Thanks Boogie, very useful list. Must keep Nelson away from "Naked ladies" as it is "Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting."