Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Carl Wyant, Aug 23, 2017.

  1. Carl Wyant

    Carl Wyant Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2017
    Ozark, Mo
    Soooo, this there any other "parents/guardians" who's "babies" haven't molted as normal ?. Our girl Taylor never actually "blew her coat" this year, like she has in her previous 6 years !. She has always molted twice a year, in the spring and again in the fall but since she didn't molt this spring, I've began to wonder if she will do it this fall ?. The weather here in southern Missouri has been really goofy this year and nothing is happening as it usually does, so I don't know what to think ?. I've practically wore out our furminator on her plus a steel comb ?, and I've even used the vacuum hose to try and suck her hair off but it's all basically ... a giant waste of time ?. I've read where some lab's go through the "molt" different and I understand that ... but we've had our girl since she was about 4 weeks old (she turned 7 years old in June) and every year, like clock work, she has "blew her coat" in the spring and again in the fall .... so, I'm a little curious ?. The vet gave her a 100% on her annual checkup in June, said every test he ran came back excellent ... (although he scolded me but good, about her weight !!! ...apt. living don't suite her (or us) and she has put on to many pounds since we had to move from the country) .... he even commented that she doesn't suffer with arthritis as some dogs do at 7 years old !.

    Maybe I'm fretting about nothing and she will go back to "her normal" this fall (whenever that is this year) ?. I was just curious if anybody else has experienced this ... ?.
  2. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    I think it's weather dependent so maybe bide your time!
    Teller's mom likes this.
  3. MF

    MF Registered Users

    May 5, 2014
    Cape Town, South Africa
    Did you recently move from the country to an apt? Perhaps living in such a small space makes you notice her fur more? Or maybe she's warmer in the apt and she's molting more due to this?
  4. Carl Wyant

    Carl Wyant Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2017
    Ozark, Mo
    Yeah, I guess that's it ... just bide my time, but boy it sure ain't easy !.
  5. Carl Wyant

    Carl Wyant Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2017
    Ozark, Mo
    No, it's not been recent, in Oct. it will be 2 years ?. I could be noticing the hair more since she stay's inside a lot more now ?. In the country she stayed outside (her choice) the biggest part of the time "so she could be around her cat buddy's" ! .... but last year, she molted just like alway's so, I'm thinking it's this crazy weather !? .... in fact, today (in August mind you) it is only in the upper 70's as apposed to the mid 90's and the humidity in virtually non existent ... which is unheard of around here and especially this time of year !!.
  6. Jet's Mum

    Jet's Mum Registered Users

    Oct 9, 2017
    New Zealand
    Your post finally compelled me to join this forum!
    My nearly 10 year old lab called Cedar passed away in September last year. She had been ill with Cushing's disease for a few years and was only diagnosed earlier in 2016. The very first thing I noticed that changed with her was that she didn't molt. She was a chocolate lab so after she stopped molting she also started to fade. Over time she went from her lovely dark chocolate to to a light tan colour. Cedar's Cushing's was atypical which meant she didn't have some of the more usual symptoms such as weight gain. Cushings is most common in smaller dogs so it may not be on your vet's radar.
    Taylor is probably just adapting to her new surroundings but I thought I'd mention this just in case.
    All the best.
  7. Carl Wyant

    Carl Wyant Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2017
    Ozark, Mo
    First of all my condolences on the loss of your Cedar. "I dread the day that we have to face that". I don't think I will be strong enough to make that decision ?. As far as Tayor's molt, we discussed it with the vet and he said sometimes dogs don't always molt regular and not to worry because she will get "back in cycle" soon enough !, and be glad there is less hair for awhile !. Taylor checked out just fine, except that she is a little to heavy and could drop 10 or 15 pounds !. But, beings you brought this up, I think I will give the office a call and maybe run it by him and see what he thinks ?. He ran a whole series of lab work and it could very well be that "cushings" was or is something to be checked for, either way a call to the office can't hurt.

    Welcome to the forum ! ... I think you'll find this forum enjoyable and informative and I think you will be satisfied with the content and posters .... and I bet you visit often !.

    All the best,
    From "Taylor" and her "parents ... Carl & Betty"
  8. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    @Carl Wyant I wouldn't worry about the possibility of Cushing's disease. You vet has obviously run the usual workup for an older dog, and the basic serum biochemistry results would have flagged up markers that required further investigation. I would however as a priority get the weight down, which is much easier said than done having an older dog myself! :)
    Inky lab likes this.
  9. Teller's mom

    Teller's mom Registered Users

    Dec 5, 2016
    I think there are several contributing factors...

    While Teller doesn't 'molt' like usual because of his sad, thin undercoat, he sheds what little he does have and grows a thicker layer for winter (pretty sure he sheds every bit as much as if he did molt). Additionally last year his coat came in much thicker than it had been the previous winter but the temperatures weren't any colder. I've noticed he does it twice a year but not on a predictable schedule - the occasion is marked by a layer of light yellow hairs covering every imaginable surface and a Dyson canister that needs emptying after each room vacuumed lol.

    Confirm there's nothing medical and enjoy a few more days or weeks without tumbleweeds and ingesting lab hairs. :D
  10. Carl Wyant

    Carl Wyant Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2017
    Ozark, Mo

    After a call to the office, the vet just confirmed what you posted. That if there was any chance of Cushings that it would have thrown a flag, but there was nothing. On the other hand, getting her weight down is a tough go, because we don't live in the country any more and the apartment complex is not that big, or at least we don't make as many laps as we need too, Taylor has really put on the pounds since living here ..... as well as myself !!. We have cut her food intake in half and stopped ALl treats .... so, maybe we can get a handle on this weight ?, because every once in a while, she will let out a low moan when she lays down, so I know that .... extra weight and stiffer joints is effecting her some, after all she is 7 years old now.
  11. Carl Wyant

    Carl Wyant Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2017
    Ozark, Mo

    Yeah, we'll see this winter how it goes but if the temps. so far this Fall is any indication, she may not molt until mid to late Nov. ?. While we aren't to worried when she does it, we are thankful that there is much less hair and it gives our vacuum a well needed brake !. Taylor got a very good report from the Dr. (I wish I could !) and we walk when we can of the daytime (we always walk once around the complex at night before bed) all in all, she is doing pretty good at apartment living, actually she's doing better than I am, but hopefully we'll get back in a house with a little acreage soon and then she can run and run !!.
  12. Teller's mom

    Teller's mom Registered Users

    Dec 5, 2016
    I don't know about Taylor but Teller does not do well in the heat. You'd think with his thin coat he'd be cooler but nope. If the temp is above 65 he pants and pants unless we are exercising near water and he can swim; I only walk him on cool nights but I think it's the humidity that bothers him more than the heat. I cannot wait until it the temperatures get lower so that we can be more active again lol.
  13. Carl Wyant

    Carl Wyant Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2017
    Ozark, Mo

    Well I can tell you that Taylor doesn't do well in the heat either !. But even in the winter, on those nights that are at or below freezing, Taylor will have her tongue out and she will pant ?. I can say that since we got a "Ferminator" we have really give it a workout !. While it does help tremendously, there is still some hair but we can handle it with just a broom instead of the vacuum. I don't know, we'll see this winter how it goes (since we have the Ferminator tool) ?, and we'll see whether she "blow's-her-coat" or not ?.

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