Sounds like temptin’ sea monsters to me Rory I’m keeping my velvety Pig-snout safe and dry thank you very much! Love, the Pig x
Mum, Dad and mini hooman went on Hollydays. It was not as fun as the Hollydays you talk of @Hollysdad as I just had to go to Nanny's house. It's not fun there as there are cats that don't like me and a small white fluffy Lucy that also doesn't like me. Plus Nanny makes me stay outside a lot more than I do at home. I came home tonight so I made sure to give my biggest sulk face to mum and wouldn't cuddle her on the couch. So far I've managed to get a few extra treats and I'm sure I'm going to get to sleep on the big bed all night. I wonder how long I should keep sulking for?
Hello everyone it's me Joy and I'm back with all my ears! Couldn't talk to you before, mother said problems with laptop. I went to see vetmanchris last week and he took me away from mother and Trev! I didn't like it, it made me feel allsmall again. Then he made me go all woozley and put a thing in my ear. He said my bit of Fred had gone and no-one knew when or how (tee-hee, sneaked it out by myself, GoodGirlJoy) Then he cleaned my ear out and later when I was feeling not so woozley mother and Trev came and took me home and I was happyhappyhappy and all my toys were still there and my beds and mats and my own crate and I had toonatea and lots of fuss and I am GoodGirlJoyVeryCleanEars.
I wroted a poe-em. It goes like this: I am the Pig My paws are big Cow pooooooooooooooooo Ooooooooooooooo That’s the end. I am not sure if Cow Poooooo rhymes with Pig or Big but I started thinking about cow poo when I was halfway through writing it. Anyhows mum says really good poe-ems like mine don’t have to rhyme. Can other doggies write good poe-ems like me or is it just Pigs?
I can write Limiewicks... There once was a choccie lab called Benson... Who had a sister called Bramble Who did like a norty ramble.. With brother Casper, they all loved to RUN! Benson x
I think at least the whole weekend, if not longer. Make them feel reallyreallyguilty. You never know they might give you an extra special treat and let you sleep in the big bed for ages. Once you are in you stay forever. Vanilla
Pomes, no, but we have a song. It goes like this: I'd do anything for CHEESE, dear, anything for CHEESE means everything to meeeeee!!! And another one is Shadow pup, Shadow pup, riding through the glen. Shadow pup, Shadow pup with his band of men. Gotta get the ballll Gotta get them AAAAALLLLLLLLLLL!!!! Shadow pup. Shadow pup. Shadow pup.
I have pomes too! My Favourite Things Snuggles cuddles tummy rubbles And a human to sit on. My Favourite Things Part 2 Meat, fish, cheese that goes squidge Anything that comes from the fridge An Ode to the Cat Running running running Did I see a cat? Growling growling growling Cat take that By Jess (age 1 1/2)
I thought of a pome about me, Coco. I like food I like huggles I like bed I like puddles I like walks I like sleeping I like school I like leaping I like balls I like swimming I like poo I like sniffing - Coco
I was a really good boy at gility today. I didn't do any biting, I didn't chase the other dogs and I didn't run off (I did clear up all the treats that had been dropped cos I'm a helpful boy like that ). Mum let me do stuff off lead as I was so good but I didn't like the high dog walk so the lady made me a little one . I couldn't do the seesaw as it was a bit . Now Mum says next week is our last week and we're never going again - but I like it now . Mum says the lady probably wouldn't want me back anyway but even she said I was a good boy this week. Ripple
Oh Ripple, I remember doing jility, I LOVED jility! And I was reallyreallyreally good and mum loved it too (although sometimes she didn't like the first lessons we went to because she didn't understand that I needed to sniffsniffsniffsniff all the time but I got over that). But we don't go any more and I don't know why. But I think you should be sad if you can't go again. When it was mum's burfday I gave her a set of jility things for the garden (well dad helped me get them) and now we play with them.
Do your friends come and do gility in your garden? That would be reeelly citing - I don't think I'd like doing gility without friends. Ripple
Jilty is mazin. We haven’t been in aaaages cuz Mum had badbak and was walking all funny. She’s back walking like she should now so I think we’re doing jilty tomorrow! Yay! Jilty is the best! Daddy made lots of jumps and a table in the garden and Mum says she’s going to get a TUNNELTUNNELTUNNEL soon too! Yay! Jilty jilty jilty!!! Willow