We'll send you food......it never goes well though. The parcels always empty when it get there we suspect mice? We hope you are feeling better soon brave clever Monty xxx Rory and Moo
Thanks Stanley, all contributions gratefully accepted. My kibble didn't even cover the bottom of the bowl this evening there was so little of it
Daddy's taking me sploring. Daddy's taking me sploring. Daddy's taking me sploring. Daddy's taking me sploring. Daddy's taking me sploring. I'm very excited. He's taking me for another riverside splore tomorrow. I LOVE sploring because there are so many new sniffs. I wonder if there will be a cafe?
Wow, what a great splore we had. We walked miles, found lots of new paths including a slippery one with two fallen trees. Dad said a rude word when I pulled him over in the mud. I had lots of swims in the river and helped a man who was fishing, but he said a rude word too. There were lots of fesants in the woods - stupid birds. I met some deer and found some good poo to eat. Dad took me to the cabin for flapjacks and coffee, and lots of people told me I was beautiful. I've been walking all day and need a snooze before tea.
Why do they complain, Holly? Why don't they just let go? Mum does this all the time, she ties herself to me with a bit of rope stuff then she complains when she can't keep up. Hoomans are so, so, so stupid sometimes.
I don't understand either. It was a nice muddy path and I was just plodding along minding my own business when I found a nice sniff. I had to follow it off the path and dad couldn't keep up.
Mini hooman got to play with a balloon but I had to sit in my crate! So unfair! When they opened the door for me I just stayed in my crate and gave them my best sulking face. That'll show them.
We've got visitors! We've got visitors! I'm so exsited! We've played and played and it's such fun. Can't wait until tomorrow, but I need a good sleep now! Tuppy
@Hollysdad and @Rosie Holly and Pongo I did that last week to Daddy at the beach. He got reallyreallywet. He did not complain, he laughed and muttered something that he was silly for not letting go. Well Daddy knows beach=swim. But no not thhis time...other people on the beach made comments to him as 'Training is going well then'. He said perfectly yes...
Apperantly I was really naughty. My hoomans went out for the morning so the sofa sploded and I turned on the TV but the black thing with all the buttons on also sploded. Mummy told me off but I had no idea what for. All Daddy said "don't blame her but blame me". So Daddy is now in the big dog house. Not sure what that means...maybe that will teach them for leaving me at home on a Saturday. They did take me out to my favourite place and bought me my food and treats once daddy cleaned up
Ging fell over in the kitchen she couldn't get up. I lay next to her on the floor and let her stroke my tummy until she could get up. She did eventually nothing broke just hurty. I'm such a comfort she told me so. Hope she's ok to take me for a walk tomorrow. Licked her face too. Rory
That's good, Rory, you must have been a huge comfort. Hope she's ok and you're looking after her. Wispa