first nights

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by ruth morris, Nov 3, 2017.

  1. ruth morris

    ruth morris Registered Users

    Nov 1, 2017
    derbyshire dales
    I am not sure what is the best plan for my puppies first few nights, I have bought a crate with a divider,but, I dont know wether to make my bed next to the pup or to put pup next to my bed.what happens when you leave the pup after the first five niights? thankyou so much for your help. ruth.
  2. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    With Willow, I planned to move the crate into my bedroom at night, but it didn't fit through the door easily, so I left her in it in the living room from the start. She cried no more than a few minutes for the first few nights before settling I set my alarm to take her out to toilet overnight.
    With Luna, I chose to use a puppy pen with a crate inside. I slept by the pen for the first couple of nights, then moved to the bedroom. She didn't settle well at all. In hindsight, she would have been far better had I crated her overnight from the start. But it really does depend on the puppy.

    I think sleeping next to your puppy for a few nights makes the transition far easier on them. Whether that is you moving to be next to their crate, or you putting the crate next to your bed, I don't think it really matters.

    Do you have a plan for where she will sleep once she is grown up?
  3. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    They are all different.

    I have a ‘plan B’ which is a box by my bed. But each pup starts in their puppy pen downstairs to see how they do. So far all (six of them, one mine and five Guide Dog pups :)) have been fine.

    I have a dim light on for them, a ticking clock, a radio on a talk show, and teddies in their bed. I stand quietly by the pen while they go to sleep for the first few nights. Winter pups have a heat pad too.

    Tatze was fine.
    Gypsy shouted the place down, but only for five minutes.
    Twiglet whined but not for long.
    Kara settled instantly and slept right through to 6am.
    Mollie shouted but not for long. She got me up in the night 3 times for about a month.
    Keir settled from day one.

    But I think having ‘plan B’ ready makes me relaxed about it so that helps them settle too.

  4. Jojo83

    Jojo83 Registered Users

    Feb 11, 2017
    Hi @ruth morris the fun of having a puppy is that there simply aten't any rules as to whether he sleeps in a crate next to the bed, in the kitchen or any other place.
    With my clients I usually suggest a crate in the bedroom so everyone can be comfortable and sleep and you can get up to take pup out for toilet duries during the night.
    You can use a crate and pen as @Boogie suggests.
    My last pup ended up in the bedroom in a crate after the first cry when the kitchen light was turned off. After a few minutes of whimpering and some quiet talking to her we all settled and slept.
    Just decide what feels right for you and your puppy :) I'm not sure about your reference to 5 nights but it is entirely up to you how many nights you spend with pup or pup spends in the bedroom - the only rule is your rule. Again my last pup was in the bedroom for 12 nights and then transfered to the kitchen in her crate without a peep.
  5. Me and my dog

    Me and my dog Registered Users

    Oct 25, 2014
    New Zealand
    Puppies are all different, I've discovered from this forum (being a first time dog owner)!:) I had my puppy near my bed and she howled/unsettled a lot of the night, I was worried thinking my neighbours were upset she was so loud! I moved her to the lounge...still howled. But from the second night as far as I can remember, was quietness:) So every puppy is different....
  6. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    I had my puppy in a cardboard box beside my bed and I dangled my hand in, took him out for a wee when he needed and got up early with him. He soon slept through and took to the crate seamlessly as he had learned to sleep in it during the day.
  7. ruth morris

    ruth morris Registered Users

    Nov 1, 2017
    derbyshire dales
  8. ruth morris

    ruth morris Registered Users

    Nov 1, 2017
    derbyshire dales
    thankyou so much for all your help,I will try a box by my bed to start with and. see how we go. my pup is due to be born about the 12th of nov.I am so excited,I have read all of your books and will try my best to get it right. I hope to do agility with my dog when zhe is old enough.
  9. ruth morris

    ruth morris Registered Users

    Nov 1, 2017
    derbyshire dales
  10. ruth morris

    ruth morris Registered Users

    Nov 1, 2017
    derbyshire dales
    thankyou so much for all your help. it is 15yrs since I ownded my first lab pup and I cant wait to ztart again,but, may need some help.ruth
    Jojo83 likes this.

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