strange morning today. Daddy stayed at home longer than normal, and mummy left first for work. Because of that I got an extra playtime with Daddy. Then all of a sudden a big box arrived, apparently it is surprise for mummy and has a Grand Father clock. I can't tell her yet, but can once she gets home and I can show her. Daddy says it will make a lot of noise....not sure about that can't interrupt my sleep. not sure I like the sound of moving, I like my holidays and apparently that is very similar. It is just so much hard work having to find my perfect patch. But I do like that you have a stream Holly, very impressed you can have a play everyday in water.....
Had the bestest time a school last night. Much of the usual stuff - at which i excelled - then the trainer laid out a line plates and put some sossij or gravy bone on each. Well I LOVE sossij and gravy bones. We weaved in and out - I managed to snaffle only one (I know, I know - how hard can it be to snaffle sossij?). But then....we had to recall past them! I was so excited as I watched 4 other dogs go - they were useless, they just ran to their owner for a single reward. I barked and barked. Then it was my go. I didn't let you down, fellow forum dogs. I got every single one. Eight, I think. OK, so I didn't get the reward from my dad, but I cleaned up on the plates. The crowd were in hysterics. - Coco
You are my hero Coco. What is the point of running past all those lovely sossijes (or snags as we would call them here), they are for eating. Very disapointed about your dad though. He should have given you an extra special treat for coming back and clearing up along the way. Maybe he needs training in this game? Vanilla
Oh wow Coco, nobody has ever played that sossij game with me - where can I come to play that? I LOVE sossij. Ripple
Lack of cow poo, oh poor Ripple but wait, a large kwantity of deer poo??? Where where? That is missing from my poo diet and it’s why I have to eat socks and lick pig-daddy’s knees
Guess what - it's in my garden! Mum gets cross cos the deer eat all her vedgtibles, but they leave lots of lovely presents behind . Ripple
....and another funny bit - we had to recall through the plates (sossij had been replenished). I heard mum mutter, from the sides, Coco can't do this. The trainer man (and I do love him) said of course he can, and he proceeded to attempt a demonstration with me. So he sat me on one side of the plates, then called me from the other side - well what's a dog to do? Of course! I snaffled more sossij. Only one bit. More gales of laughter from MY crowd. Red-faced-Trainer-to-dad (dad is in stitches now) "Go on then. You try. I know Coco can do this". This time...I was a good boy. I ran straight through the plates without stopping. And I got a whole Bonio for my troubles. - Coco
Ripple does your mummy want a Pig to stay? That’s a silly question as everyone would want a Pig to stay. I will chase the deers and tidy up the poo. And eat her vegetables too so her garden is super tidy. Pigs don’t like messy gardens.
I am la reina of mischief. These Labradors may be pretty, but they are not as intel·ligent as I, Conchita the Cunning! They look at the gate that bars their way and they accept defeat, poor, simple creatures. Whereas I realise is is no match for my brain most meravellosa and, grabbing it with my teeth, I give a mighty pull, upon which the delights beyond are opened up to me. I had a paddle in foster-papa's wet stuff he had put on the floor to make it flat. That was boring, so I went next door and found, delight of delights, packets of something simply deliciós. I ripped them apart and ate my fill of what foster-mama called "dried duck fillet". This is not something I had sampled before, but I hope to again. Of course, I am not a greedy Labrador, so I left the scene with only a few pieces in my tummy. But the mischief was not finished, oh no! I went into the kitchen where I jumped onto the counter. I'm part Podenco, you know, this comes easily to me, especially now I have those special meatballs every day that make my sore leg feel so good! I saw some copes de vi there and thought they would look better on the floor, so off they went! I was right, the light caught the many, many pieces of glass in a far more pleasing way once they were on the tiles. That will teach foster-mama and foster-papa to go out without me!
Oh Conchita! You sound so....exotic. I probably love you My mum has been training me to jump onto walls - you have given me an idea.....the kitchen counter. - Coco
Ah, Coco, you young cadell, you really should try the counter. So many delights! I tried again in the early hours, under the cover of darkness, I slipped from the pillow where I was sleeping cuddled up to foster-mama and slinked down the stairs. A delicate aroma had filled my nose; the empty packet from the mince she had used for my evening meatball. Of course, the magical powers of the mandonguilla had given new life to my stiff elbow, so I hopped on up just as easily as before, to forage the last of the mince crumbs. Alas, I must have made too much noise, for within seconds, foster-mama appeared to take me back to bed. Ah, I mustn't complain. This bed is a wonderful place to be and I am happy to sleep there, cuddled close to my foster-mama. - Conchita the Cosy
Well bu**er I wish l had your super model legs lady. The work tops would me mine all mine. I have very short legs it's not fair. I too have been having some excellent drugs, but they just make me źźzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Moo zzzzzzzz