I'm a little bit worried about Stanley. He doesn't seem to himself. He's eating/drinking and poos are all fine. He just seems very quiet and is sleeping a lot. We'll just have a little walk today I think and I'll keep an eye on him. Will just give him lots of cuddles today to see if he perks up
Hope Stanley perks up this afternoon. You know when something's not right, even with no obvious symptoms.
OH and I left town for the weekend. First time ever leaving Axels and Gizmo before... Odie is with my Parents and my mother in law is staying at our house watching Axel and Giz. Axel looked every where for us but then settled on his bed. Sweet boy is such a momma suck, I hope he does ok
Just got back home. Axel was an absolute star and Mother in law said she officially loves him and says he’s such a good dog. Which is HUGE, because she always complains how excited he is at her house and doesn’t settle. But it’s because he never goes there so it’s new and exciting for him. But she stayed at our house because I felt it would be best. Anyways, I’m very proud of my boy
Gosh I think I have dodged a bullet with the Pig being half Pointer, I don’t know what a coat ‘blowing’ looks like but it sounds dramatic!
I saw a quote today that said: 'You owe it to your dog to be worthy of the devotion he shows you'. So very true x
These urban foxes are getting so blinkin’ cocky. I’ve just taken Molly out for a wee to the grass verge opposite our house and she lunged at a fox I hadn’t spotted. It ran away less than 5 yards and then sat down and stared at us. It was really difficult to get Molly to turn away. Fox 1 Humans/Dogs 0.
Back home in Spain with all the gang after travels with Squidge. It’s so nice to have the whole family back together again
After growing up with a dog that was terrified of fireworks I will never take it for granted that I was just able to stand in the garden with my dog watching all the fireworks go off. He was there - watching in awe with a big smile and waggy tail
Yep me too. I've been very lucky wuth mine it took work but it's ok. I live in a big fireworks area so I had to get them ok quickly and carefully
Amber was terrified last year and I was dreading this year but she was fine. Poppy and Bear have always been fine. Dogs are made of stern stuff!
Well, finally cracked and ordered a king size bed because it is too squishy with Axel. The things we do for our furbabies