Puppy sleeping alone

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Sharvari, Nov 6, 2017.

  1. Sharvari

    Sharvari Registered Users

    Nov 2, 2017
    Hello all,

    My puppy is 2.5 months and has been sleeping in my room since the time he came to us (around 3 weeks ago). I now want to get him to sleep separately so he is not over dependant on me . We’ve tried crate training him but he cries at the drop of a hat when we put him in. However I’ve successfully toilet trained him and he follows it. Me and my husband work full time and I have full time house helpers who take care of him in my absence. During the day he plays and sleeps in the living room on the ground floor. I plan to make him sleep In the living room at night while my room is on the 2nd floor. What is the right age at which he can sleep alone?
  2. LLamberton

    LLamberton Registered Users

    Jul 23, 2017
    Does he sleep in the crate in your room at night? We started the 1st 2 weeks with a large cardboard box for my pup to sleep in. We put his crate in the living room during the day for naps. We also put his food bowl in the crate with the door open and sometimes put treats inside for him to discover. After that we put him in the crate in our room at night instead of the box. I bought Smart Pet Love Snuggle puppy from Amazon and it helped a lot. It has a heartbeat and warming packs to simulate cuddling with littermates. After a week he would wait outside his crate at bedtime for me to put snuggle puppy in and he would happily go right in with no crying. At 5 months my pup goes into his crate on his own to take naps during the day. Hope this helps.
    Sharvari likes this.
  3. Alexandrea Nwakwubei

    Alexandrea Nwakwubei Registered Users

    Sep 25, 2017
    When we first got our puppy at 7 weeks we put her in the crate in the living and she would cry alll night, we found putting my top or my partners top in the crate helped her a lot more, we then moved her to the kitchen where it’s quieter and she sleeps perfect. But the downside to the crate in our personal experience is when she comes upstairs and into our bedroom she turns into hyper mode cause she is very rarely up there. She also will not sleep anywhere else’s other than her crate :rolleyes:
    Sharvari likes this.
  4. Sharvari

    Sharvari Registered Users

    Nov 2, 2017
    Thanks for this tip . He brought the house down when we first put him in crate . Honestly I'm fine if he's not in crate as he sleeps peacefully otherwise . I'm concerned to make him sleep in the living room which is downstairs while my room in up. At what age can they sleep alone without anyone being in sight?
  5. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    I would think it would very much depend on your pup - if he is dry and sleeping all night and happy to be alone then you can try now. You may have to train him to be alone, but you won't know until you try. Could you try doing it in stages? Move his bed to outside your room for a few nights, then a bit further away etc etc?
    Sharvari likes this.
  6. Annie & Bobby

    Annie & Bobby Registered Users

    Nov 2, 2017
    Builth Wells
    Could you sleep in the living room with him for a bit?

    Bobby was a bit older, 4 months, when he arrived but we took it in turns to sleep on the sofa with him in the crate beside us until he was happy on his own. I still sit with him for 10-20 mins until he settles to get him over the "do I have to go to bed now, it's boring" grumbles and then he sleeps fine all night. He's 5 months now.
    Sharvari likes this.
  7. Sharvari

    Sharvari Registered Users

    Nov 2, 2017
    Hi Samantha

    I'm thinking of making him sleep outside my room with the adjacent room door open and fabric door at the steps. It's pretty humid in Mumbai so I'll keep the fan on . Maybe twice a week I'll make him sleep down in the living room . That's the plan , hope it works

    Thanks so much for your response . It's very encouraging
  8. Sharvari

    Sharvari Registered Users

    Nov 2, 2017

    Yes I'll try sleeping in the living room with him . When we are out at work he's in the living room the whole day and sleeps there comfortably when my helpers are busy in their chores
  9. Sharvari

    Sharvari Registered Users

    Nov 2, 2017
    Hi - yes, I'll put my top with him when he sleeps alone
  10. Alexandrea Nwakwubei

    Alexandrea Nwakwubei Registered Users

    Sep 25, 2017
    We left her from day one, I started preparing her for bed time on the second day and she’d drag my top in and lie down. I wanted to start as I mean to go as leaving her out wasn’t an option for me she chews everything in sight lol
    Sharvari likes this.

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