Bagheera seems to sleep alot. He will have a 30 min walk every day and have about 15 mins where he is completely crazy running around the house but from about 6ish he just sleeps. Is this normal?
How old is he? When Pongo was very young (10 weeks) he spent the whole day asleep. Quite normal, I think.
Hi Vicci how old is Bagheera (love the name by the way). Puppies do sleep a lot (and I mean A LOT) of the time as it is a way of them processing all the information from the big outside world. Dogs also have the wonderful ability that if nothing is happening they sleep. My boy tends to wake up anywhere from 7am to 9am in the mornings, have a quick sniff in the garden then morning cuddles on the settee with me. He has his morning walk, then breakfast then there is nothing better in his eyes than a snooze. Wakes for an outing at lunchtime, a play, then a bit more of a play, then share my lunch, then snooze, then wake up for tea, walk, play, another quick snooze then a last walk of the day and then bed!
He's 12 weeks now. Thank you he's a lovely boy. He has been a sleep since about 6 this evening but will sleep all night as well. He won't even cone to me when u call him. It's like his completely exhausted.
What are you feeding him? And how much? Some puppies need much more sleep than others. One of mine just slept and slept while another was like she was on ever ready batteries.
Our guy is also a big sleeper. We were worried at first because he seemed so calm/lazy for a lab puppy. He is 16 weeks old now and still sleeps the majority of the day and all night! He wakes for breakfast and rides with me to drop the kiddos off at school (he's like an infant and immediately falls asleep in the car, lol), comes home for training and play/walk, then sleeps most of the day. He is always awake in the evenings when the kids are home from school, but about 7 or 8 he is done. He curls up on the kitchen floor and sleeps until it's time to kennel for bed. He also sleeps through the night. Up until a few weeks ago he could easily go to sleep at 5 or 6 and not wake until it was time for him to move to our room for bed. He'd run outside to potty, eat real quick, then run to our room and jump on the bed to sleep. We are enjoying it now as we keep waiting for a switch to flip any day when he turns into a crazed, high emergy maniac. Lol
Oh that sounds exactly the same As Bagheera. He seems to sleep loads but guess it's just normal. Thank you x