Don't use it on walks initially. Lots of putting on harness and taking off after a few seconds with lots of click and treats. Gradually build time wearing the harness and reward for calm behaviour. Put it on for meal times so it starts creating a more positive, pleasant experience while wearing.
Hi @Atemas, I have just been on the TuffStuff website to order a limited slip lead and I see they have something called a shock lead, I wondered what the heck it is so had a look at the details and it is designed in such a way as to avoid the "shock" to the person on the end of the lead should the dog pull. Might that be something you would like to look at?
Thank you @selina27. I have had a quick look and will send DH a link so he can look. He is understandably concerned about his arms/shoulders after having a nasty neck injury earlier this year.