Squeeee! There was another Spanish rescue Podenco at training tonight - Ravi, a long haired, off-white boy. He lives with the same family as Peaches who we met last week, and was equally timid but very handsome. They were both there tonight.
Ella's sulking because she hasn't been for a walk. It's 8.45pm, 31 degrees, the kid's in bed and the OH is out. I feel awful but it's really not sensible going for a walk right now
Oh yes, she's had a huge amount of treats today and OH gave her dinner so she's had way too much today We were playing with a bit of 'drop on recall' today. Only a couple of metres away but getting some limited success. Ella's very sleepy, due to the training but also a lot to do with the heat. Doesn't stop her wanting to get out though...
Even though the heat was still high 30's and sun had set we went out for about a 10min play. And we found some nice ice
Yesterday my OH took Molly out in the morning and along a footpath in the countryside they came across a shoot in the field right next to it. He said Molly was fine, not reacting to the shot ( she’s heard it at a longer distance many times and been ok) and walking off lead by his side. He said lots of birds were coming down, one onto the path and that a dog ran out to pick it up -I was very relieved to hear that Molly didn’t try to pick it up! Apparently there are no laws in the uk (orEngland anyway) about how close to a footpath you can shoot.
It's really snowing here. I'm sad that possibly the first time Stanley gets to properly play in the snow might be with his dog walker and not me
I thought there was, but cannot quite remember. I also thought they should have stopped shooting if they saw you, the shoot where my dog picks up, will always stop shooting if someone is walking on the public footpath.
Its really strange, I started my current drug trial the week after I got Rory tomorrow the drug trial ends. Its been 4 years and I never realised at the time how important Rory would be and how much happiness he would bring. It was an obsession at the time one more dog just one more. He has become a wonderful dog and such a joy. he's helped us all in the house in different ways and although it's been hard, hes kept the despair at bay. He might he a total tool sometimes he's done an amazing job so far , funny silly braan dog. 4 fun happy years.
We're expecting three months worth of rain in three days Not sure whether to get the gum boots out or buy a boat!
They do a lot of sports at the oval. Given the heat you will always find someone who will bring an esky filled with ice for the drinks. End of training empty water and ice out, this makes a happy pup when hot
I can show you plenty of bed pictures of Vanilla. OH says she sleeps like a person. Nothing wrong with it...well unless you feel...
Could not choose so did not bother and just went out yesterday evening in it and again this morning in Shorts and Tshirt, to humid. Vanilla was well behaved and never bothers about the thunder or rain. Plenty of extra puddles to play in for her and I always figure you can only get wet once Hope it is not too bad for you...before the heat comes back
Daring to hope we've turned a corner, or at least we're peeking around it. On 3 occasions this week we've passed dogs on the opposite side of the (very narrow) road WITHOUT LUNGING. Twice, it was a little Bichon-type dog who we have seen a few times, and once the Golden Retriever/Springer Spaniel pair - who we did a proper greet/bum sniff with earlier in the week. On each occasion, Coco did pull a little, but he was able to walk on. The GR/Springer duo did then approach for a 3-second greet & we moved on.