Bedtime behaviour....... help

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Melissalive, Nov 30, 2017.

  1. Melissalive

    Melissalive Registered Users

    Nov 30, 2017
    Hi everyone I’m hoping someone might be able to give me some advise. I’ve got a 6 month old lab puppy she’s an absolute darling and at night she sleeps on my bed, but every night without fail she climbs on my head and wakes me up. She doesn’t sleep very well at night at all. She’s very active most of the time. I’ve tried numerous things like checking to see if she needs to potty but she holds herself all night, feeding her a bit later In case she’s hungry, play time before bed etc but she still active around 3am. She gets enough exercise one walk at 6am where she’s off lead most of the time in the local park playing with the other dogs there (I have to do this time due to work) and a shorter walk in the evening plus lots of clicker training and games. She never seems to settle for longer than a few hours at a time. Could she be doing too much and be overtired? Not sure what else to try and I don’t want to kick her out of the bed.

    Appreciate any help or advice anyone has
  2. Atemas

    Atemas Registered Users

    Feb 22, 2017
    She could be over tired. Will she settle in the evenings with you. Is it worth getting a cosy dog bed to put by your bed - make it all snuggly so she gets really comfy in there?
    Melissalive likes this.
  3. Melissalive

    Melissalive Registered Users

    Nov 30, 2017
    She settles on the couch with me before I go to bed and falls asleep there for a little bit before We all go upstairs. She’s got a bed downstairs and uses that, I’ll try it upstairs thank you
  4. AlphaDog

    AlphaDog Registered Users

    Nov 18, 2015
    First off get the dog out off of your bed. Climbing on your head? Not good. You have an active dog because he's 6 months. Find a routine that works for you, not the dog, and stick to it. Crating a night might be a solution with a few rough weeks for you. Good luck.
    Melissalive likes this.
  5. Melissalive

    Melissalive Registered Users

    Nov 30, 2017
    Thank you for your advice
  6. Atemas

    Atemas Registered Users

    Feb 22, 2017
    I too wondered about trying a crate but don’t know how easily she would take to that at 6 months. It’s worth thinking about though.
  7. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    It’s entirely up to you whether the dog sleeps on your bed or not. It does the dog no harm whatever. The reason I don’t is that I’m a very light sleeper!

    Does she get plenty of walks and training during the day to be sure he’s tired?

    She could be over tired but she could be under stimulated too.

    Six month old dogs really benefit from training and brain work.

    Here is a good article -

    and another -

    Melissalive likes this.
  8. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    This is purely a personal choice. Our 31kg Coco sleeps on our bed at night. Everyone's happy.
    Melissalive likes this.
  9. Melissalive

    Melissalive Registered Users

    Nov 30, 2017
    We do off lead walks daily in the morning, she goes to puppy school once a week and we practice what we learn all week every day. We went to puppy school last night and there was only a few pups so it was non stop for each of them. I noticed last night she slept a lot better and so did I......... more training in the evening it is then

    I’ll give the links a read thank you

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